It's true. We're true Wisconsinites who love cheese and this point is made evident by two things in the past 24 hours. Seriously. It's entertaining AND delicious! What's not to love?! Ryan posts an article to Facebook about the grand opening of the new Mars Cheese Castle. What is Mars Cheese Castle? Do yourself the favor & read up on the topic here and then let's compare notes. Notes? As in a visit? Yes. I foresee a field trip in Los Porchs future to the merry ol' land of cheese. In a text change regarding the question of "What to make for dinner" (a nightly occurrence), Ryan suggests breakfast. Not Wisconsin, I know. Get ready for it... "Feel like makin' the Magic Cheese Mix?" he asks. Indeed I do Porch, indeed I do. I walk into the kitchen, fling open the fridge and proceed to shred different cheeses together to form our Magic Mix. This mix of cheeses is PERFECT. It works for literally ...
A study in parenting, marriage, and life.