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Showing posts from November, 2017

Adventures in Pup-sitting: Day 2

Well, Day 1 was largely just Charlie yelling at Prim for being here and Prim following underfoot the entire day. Lots of tears (Charlie cried some too). Approximately 487 reminders to walk. All 3 of us end up in king-sized bed and finally give in to sleep after a 230 sob session about the dog being alive. DAY 2. woken at 12:16am by the sound of a dog dry heaving. Motherly instincts kick in. Put hand out. Realize what's happening and pull it back. Dog pukes on duvet. Half asleep, I scoop the puke up and nearly gag as I hustle to the toilet. Remove duvet and ball up in corner. Immediately return to bed and fall back asleep. It's only 8am. Send coffee. And new episodes of Peppa Pig. And the best dog chew toys that will entertain a 6 month old lab mix until I get her to the park. Xo