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Our TTC Story

Because we know that ya'll really want to know more about this adventure.  Sometimes it's hard to talk about how long and hard we've been wished for a baby in our family... all good things take time, right?

December 2009
Mrs. Porch has major surgery that reveals endometriosis; treatment begins and involves Mrs. Porch going through menopause (holla!).

May 2010
Los Porchs decide to stop using birth control because really?  Who would even know if I was pregnant at the wedding.  Dr. declares Mrs. Porch as "extra fertile."  Spirits are high.

July 2010
Los Porchs get married :)

Mrs. Porch is frustrated and finally gives in to the desire and lets go of fear of OB/GYN (finds new doctor though) begins process of baby talks and testing.

June 2013
Mrs. Porch deemed fit to carry baby.  Low sperm count foils plan.

July 2013
Los Porchs suck it up and go to the reproduction specialist and (of course) learn that it could still be Mrs. Porch causing problems (stupid scar tissue) in concert with the low sperm count.

August 2013
Insurance snafu causes a 35 day delay in the possibility for consultation & treatment.  Los Porchs choose a new specialist & make their consultation appointment -- insurance is on board and we're ready to rock!

September 2013 
First appointment with Dr. TK.  He's ordered an HSG (shows whether both fallopian tubes are open and whether the shape of the uterine cavity is normal) for the end of this month and that will inform our next steps... scar tissue leads us straight to IVF while the all clear leads us to IUI.

HSG is done and shows potential issues with scar tissue.  What an experience!!

October 2013
Day 3 bloodwork and ultrasound paired with a sa.
Los Porchs meet with Dr. TK to create a plan that includes IVF with the assistance of ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection, sexy right?).
Lots and lots and lots of waiting for the insurance company to give us the go-ahead.
Mrs. Porch may have gotten to the point of harassing the insurance company to get results.

November 1, 2013
Approval received from insurance company!  We'll know more soon and will hopefully be able to move forward this month... if all goes according to plan... but really, how often does that happen for us? ;)

November 9, 2013
Started Menopur injections

November 20, 2013
Egg retrieval

November 25, 2013
5-day transfer (cue the 2 week wait)

December 1, 2013
POAS -- positive!

December 5, 2013
POSITIVE blood test!

December 20, 2013
First ultrasound... got to see baby's heartbeat!

January 24, 2014
First appointment with "regular" OB -- heard baby's heartbeat for the first time!

August 8, 2014
Charlotte Esther arrives :)

February 2017
Let's try this again!  Meeting with the RE to make a plan for an FET!!



  1. you going in for an HSG? Or did you already? I HATED that! It only hurt for a quick second...but it was enough for me to gasp and want to die for that second. But, I didn't take the motrin before (do it! plus a xanax!)


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