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Showing posts from July, 2011

Defeating Clutter: Stage 1

 Just a quick update on the previous post about our insane bedroom clutter...  I win! That being said, I've found my next "project" within the walls of our guest room!  Because we haven't had guest overnight lately, the guest room has accumulated an awful lot of junk.  It's become a bit of a dumping ground and the situation needs to be addressed!  Turns out, putting my clutter out there motivates me to get things done a bit faster... hoping to get this guest bedroom situation under control before our trip this week.  Here's hopin' that works out!

Do socks multiply?

I'm not sure how it's possible, but I'm almost positive that my laundry is reproducing.  I leave my socks on the floor and awake in the morning to a hoodie & sweatpants.  Some people complain that they lose socks and other misc items in the laundry.  I'm left wondering if the laundry fairy is dropping off other people's crap here.  For as organized as our bedroom can be (and has been), I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that currently there is about three weeks worth of laundry (mostly clean) with the potential to be worn, strewn across the floor.  I'd like to tell you it's all Porch, but it's clearly all me.  I blame our recent vacations... lots of traveling, coming home to do laundry, and jetting off again.  Fun story?  We're headed to visit some friends again this weekend!  Summer = chaos. I sincerely hope that there's an "after" picture that follows in the very near future.  The dresser is a touch overwhelme...

I'm 96% Sure My Husband Will Mock Me

Okay, I admit it.  My name is Danie and I have an addiction.  To Rubbermaid storage containers.  And shoes.  The two have married harmoniously (and nerdily, is that a word?  It is now.) in my closet.  I love to organize things and had put my "fancy shoes" away in the closet a while ago; sadly, it meant I couldn't see them on a regular basis and would end up opening boxes trying to find the right shoes.  It also meant that I could be extra lazy and just not put them away, which resulted in an extra large heap of shoes on the floor of my closet.  Like how I call it my closet and not our closet, even though we share?  It's because Porch pretty much just gets a corner.  Sigh. Organization is better than chocolate (at times). Ye Olde Pile of Shoes All tucked away in the newly labeled box.