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Showing posts from October, 2012

Let's Talk Halloween

Ladies & Gents, The body at 29 does not respond to alcohol and Halloween fun quite the same way that of a 21 year old might respond.  How do you know this, you're wondering?  I got my butt whooped on Saturday evening.  The highlight of this adventure was carving pumpkins we had acquired from Jewel, one of which was moldy and just a little bit dead inside.  And crashing our upstairs neighbor's costume party. The low?  Finding a picture online of a girl who used to help me teach summer school in Wisconsin.  In the hallway of a very UW dorm (read:  cinder block walls).  In costume with friends.  Sadly, I wonder if we realized our freshman year of college that those who are our BFFS (o.m.g.) may not be the same people we consider our friends later in life... some will still be there, but others will drift away.  I digress.  I realized I have the exact same picture of my group of freshman friends and two things happened...