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Showing posts from February, 2017


I'm feeling a little lost right now. I'm struggling to figure out what I'm supposed to do "next" and while I am no stranger to being uncomfortable, perhaps I'm not as comfortable with being uncomfortable as I thought. Also, it's 12:30am and I'm awake. And a little nauseous. Hoping for a productive and relaxing Sunday before another week of crazy! Xoxo Mama Porch

One step at a time

As we mentally & emotionally prepare ourselves for an FET, I slide between emotions.  Sadness that we have to go through this again; thankfulness that we have embryos to use rather than starting back at square one; gratitude and overwhelming love for the boisterous two-year-old who is currently being made into a baby burrito in our living room; fear that we'll be a one-child family; shame that I have this great kid and I'm still a little hurt by pregnant announcements.  It's a shit show at best. A shit show made greater by trying to read through our new insurance policy to see what's covered and feeling a touch of PTSD as I'm hit by the terminology and memories of our first round of IVF.  I guess my big question for our consult is to find out what we have to do to get our 4 embabies from Chicago.  My bigger question is how soon we can move forward. I'm seeking calm. I'm seeking patience. I'm seeking acceptance. We'll see how the appointment ...

Disclaimer: Not Pregnant

Wow, there was a whole lot of silence from me these past few months and I just kinda felt the need to check in with you all!  I've gotten some messages asking if things are okay -- they are!  We're good! No.  I'm not pregnant. But ohmygosh you guys, I often feel so damn tired after chasing Charlie around that I sometimes feel like I'm first-trimester-tired.  You know the kind.  Barely awake past 8:30; falling asleep in your toddler's (albeit full-sized) bed and not waking up until 6am and realizing what you've done.  Yep. But we do have some news on the baby front... kind of... not really.  Okay, so we don't really have news per se, I feel like that somehow indicates we're pregnant.  What we're doing is going to meet with an RE here in Wisconsin and making a game plan for when we can do an FET (frozen embryo transfer).  We have 4 embabies frozen in Chicago waiting on us to get our poop in a group and bring them home!  :) Th...

A Crafty Charlie is a Happy Charlie

There are certain perks to having a schedule that rotates.  Every other week, I close the center and work 9:30-6:30.  Those days have their challenges because I get home later and can sometimes feel rushed in the end of the day routines.  But they're also amazing because we get extra time in the morning in which I can sip coffee, stare at my kid, and occasionally find things to keep her busy.   Last year, I cut a bunch of tissue paper into squares and let her take on the job of putting them onto Contact Paper that I had taped to the fridge.  This year, she was more than willing to do the cutting.  I gave her these scissors and some construction paper and let her get to work. A crafty Charlie is a happy Charlie :) She got it from her Mama Then, it was time to find shoes and head to school.  Just a nice little project for two crafty gals this morning -- and an awesome fine motor skills practice for her!  One of my goals t...