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Showing posts from June, 2018

mud play

i am sitting on the deck watching charlie play with dirt and water and make her own mud. she looked at me and asked if she could get her hands and feet dirty. it's saturday afternoon and we have no where to be today -- go nuts kid. "i'm making poop." three-year-olds, folks, they are something. oh no. she's approaching the water table with a bucket of muddy water.  she redirects herself to a large bucket and dumps all of her containers into it. "this is a perfect holiday. this is a perfect holiday in our new house." i have no idea what she's talking about but it is so important to me that she have these experiences not only because it's fun and builds her immune system something fierce, but because it connects her to nature. she mixes the muddy water with a mini frisbee she got today at the farmer's market and then rinses it off in the "clean" water in her water table. she is quickly distracted by the frisbee and seeks a playma...

shots, shots, shots, shots... eerrrrybody -- but not the fun kind, okay?

Last night I started my other medications; I've been taking Lupron for about a week now. I started Menopur (I used this my first IVF cycle) and Gonal something. Super fun, three shots each night.  ;)  I think it helps that I can put this in perspective -- I've been through child birth. I can probably handle a few shots here and there. It feels much more "meh" thing go round, to be honest. Perhaps it's because I know the struggle isn't in the stimulation process, but in the transfer process... or because I am actively chasing a three-year-old around wondering how the hell I will keep up with an infant if my whole body sounds like Rice Krispies when I stand up after we play on the floor.  We'll see, I guess. One day at a time and all that jazz, right? I continue on this path until Monday morning when I go back for ultrasound & blood work so we can see how things are going. Friday's tests showed that I had like 20 something follicles on each ovary (...

a quick question re: water balloons

throwing water balloons at your kid counts as a bath, yes? asking for a friend. we had so much fun filling water balloons today but charlie wouldn't let us pop any! so finally, porch and i just started tossing them at her. at one point, she had one in her swim suit top and it popped and it was the most  h y s t e r i c a l thing to happen to her all day. its the little things. we're makin memories  (and counting balloons as baths, it's decided) xo mama porch


I have a class tomorrow to teach me about the injections for this cycle.  It seems a little silly since I've already been through an IVF cycle, but since it's been 4 years, I figured the refresher couldn't hurt... especially since I didn't get any kind of guidance whatsoever for that first cycle. I legit had to watch videos on YouTube and even then, felt like I was wingin' it. The drugs should arrive sometime this week and I know that it's going to go from 0 to 60 in the blink of an eye. Charlotte must feel it too because her behavior this weekend has been a trainwreck of emotion.  She is currently laying on the floor, kicking the garbage can, screaming because she wants to go to Ikea and yet doesn't want to go to Ikea.  Being 3 is hard work. Our neighbors probably hate us. xo Mama Porch