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Showing posts from January, 2019

here's to meeting our deductible before june!

yesterday was eventful; after an evening and morning of cramping with spotting, i was advised to head to the emergency department for monitoring to make sure all is well with the littlest porch. it was a long time spent waiting but i got a sneak peek at the baby via ultrasound (making sure the placenta wasn't over the cervix) and holy moly you guys - that baby is gettin' BIG. i always picture this tiny little bean in the lowest part of my body but the ultrasound tech was way up on my belly - and there was baby! hanging out! heartbeat was wonderful at 138bpm and the little one was dancing around which was amazing to watch! our anatomy scan is in early february & i am so excited to find out who this not-so-little bean is & learn about the growth so far. we've started throwing around names (okay, i throw a name out there and watch porch's face for reaction) and thinking about what we will actually need for this kiddo. so far, all i've come up with is a crib (an...

finding baby's beat

i got a wusic heartrate monitor for christmas from my father-in-law & tried it right away. i felt like i heard the heartbeat but tonight after we wrestled charlie to sleep, i laid in bed and found it definitively. that little heart was BUMPIN! there was no confusing that with my own, it was very much the beating heart of my little nugget. tonight after i vacuumed the living room, i told porch it felt like baby was tucked away on the left side of my body, i could just feel a heaviness there and sure enough - that's where i found the little one! i think it's important to note that the directions clearly said best results after 16 weeks, which i just hit on friday. while i'm not feeling movement, i am very much aware of this kiddo's presence both in the new bump i'm rocking & just this heavy feeling on my left side. but hey - i think i'm done barfing! it's been several days now & i think i'm in the clear!! xo d