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Not quite a beach body

After feeling super gross, sluggish, and exhausted all day every day, I accepted the challenge from one of my dear friends who is a BeachBody Coach.  I ordered the 21 Day Fix challenge pack and felt every emotion when the box arrived at the house.  Totally overwhelmed, but knowing I had to start soon or I'd have a box of 21 Day Fix paraphernalia laying in a corner, I jumped in, feet first on Monday.

At the end of the first day, I wanted to crawl into bed and just sleep forever.  I had a headache from hell that made work impossible and home with toddler a nightmare.  I struggled through and did the damn workout before crashing into bed.

The second day, I had the brilliant thought to add coffee to my protein shake in the morning.  I was a totally different person that day, you guys.  I had been needing that caffeine!  Since then, I've used coffee in the shake every morning and have been pleased with that addition to my routine.  On the weekends, I've been experimenting with other flavor combinations.  Last night, I used some vanilla powder with almond milk, banana, and peanut butter w/ flax seed and I think it was the fastest I've ever finished a shake.

I didn't start this journey to lose weight, it was just a fun side effect.  I really wanted to sleep better at night to maximize the sleep I was getting and to have enough energy at the end of the day to get stuff done.  I was coming home after work, laying around, and going to bed.  I didn't have energy to meal plan (much less prep), to spend time working on all of these house projects... to be a good mom and a good wife and a good person.

Today is day 21 and I'm thankful for the experience.  I've learned a lot about making good choices, how to read labels, what my body can tolerate for exercise (it's so much more than I imagined), and I have the energy!  When I stick to the meal plan, I am a different person.  For Charlie's birthday party, I made cupcakes and lied to myself that it was okay to have two.  That crazy amount of sugar made me feel so gross, it was like being hit by a truck.  I've come to learn more about myself and I like what I'm seeing so far.

Charlie loves to "work out" with me.  It's hilarious.  It's also this moment of reflection for me as a mom; my daughter is watching me.  She seems me critique myself and hears the words I use to talk about myself.  How amazing that she gets to see me making good choices (and by extension, offer her better choices) and take care of my body while appreciating what it can do?  That's worth the work right there.

The best thing about this program is that it's not really a 21 day fix.  It takes 21 days to build a habit; 21 days to break a bad one!  I'm considering this a good first attempt and will try another round starting on August 29th.  I'm still using my containers and working out, but I want to use this time to research and plan better meal options so that I can get the whole family involved.

I take my measurements tonight and will share them next week... maybe a picture if I'm feeling brave!

Mama Porch


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