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35 weeks = 35 days to go!

We might have a name picked out (nothing like waiting until the last minute).  We're not sharing and it's only partly because we want it to be a surprise.  It's also because I'm a little nervous that we'll change our minds when we meet her.  Though I'm like 95% sure she will fit right into this name.  It's perfect and I love it.
I also think I started nesting this week.  I got home on Monday night and went to town cleaning, organizing, everything.  We have her crib ready for her, which seems funny because I'm pretty sure she'll be hanging with us in our room for a while ;)  Her room is coming together, things are getting put away and organized and it makes me so happy!

How far along? 35 weeks

Progress:  None.  Cervix is closed, she hasn't dropped -- she ain't goin' no where anytime soon.
Total weight gain:  I've gained 19 pounds total (my guess is that's 59% Drumsticks -- which I have found a replacement for:  Popsicles)

Maternity clothes?  I pretty much live in maternity clothes and got a little sad when I realized this fall I'll be back to normal people clothes (including sad, normal people waistbands).  
Stretch marks?  Still no stretch marks to speak of!

Sleep: Sleep... I remember sleep.  Man do I miss it.  The little that I get is precious to me though it is often interrupted by heartburn and trips to the bathroom.  

Best moment this week:  Spending the holiday weekend up north with my family was amazing and so very relaxing.  Being on the beach with my toes in the sand, soaking up the sunshine?  Perfection.

Miss anything?  I don't miss much.  I miss sleeping on my belly.  I saw a menu for a local restaurant and realized they have Godzilla rolls which made me kind of miss sushi, but really, I have to admit, I don't miss much at all.  Not even beer.  Which seems so weird.

Food cravings:  Still nothing.... though I do have a sweet tooth.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Being hot makes me super nauseous.   
Gender: Baby Girl :)

Labor signs: Not yet, though I can tell we're in the home stretch because I now spend time wondering and worrying about where I will ultimately go into labor (and just how far from the hospital we'll be) and will my water break while I'm riding the red line?  Seems fair.  People do gross stuff on the train all the damn time.  

Symptoms: The bump, ninja kicks to the ribs, some discomfort in the pelvic bone area, the waddle... oh the waddle.
Belly button in or out? I have determined that technically, it's an outie, but because of the abdominal surgery I had and the way they stitched me up, it's physically impossible for it to actually pop out.  It's weird. 
Wedding rings on or off: On -- and loose... which seems counter-intuitive, but whatever.

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy, and totally counting the days!  There's so much to finish up before she arrives, including my coursework!  My last day of class is July 24th (which is also our 4th anniversary) and she is welcome to join us any time after that.  ;)  I mean, sooner too, if that's what she's going for, but I'd prefer finishing my class if I can.  We're just kind of on her schedule, hanging out until she arrives!  

Looking forward to:  Getting our maternity pictures back from Bobbi at The Salty Peanut Photography!  And putting the finishing touches on the nursery, packing my hospital bag, all the last minutes details that are staring to come together.

Baby is the size of: honeydew!  Not quite as delicious as cantaloupe, but delightfully bigger!  She's a heavy little thing to carry around, but I know that I am going to miss these moments between just her & me!

I guess with the orange shirt, I was kind of asking for a comment from the UPS driver today:
"Uh oh!  You swallowed a basketball!"
Sigh.  You're right.  It would appear that I did.


  1. I feel ya on the no progress! Praying sweet girl starts making progress in a few weeks, but not too soon! Can't wait to hear her name!!! I'm good at keeping secrets by the way ;)

    1. We're almost certain we'll use the name we picked out but I just have this feeling that I need to meet her first. It may just be that I want to meet her. ;) I was thinking about you this morning & hoping for some progress on your end!! It's almost time!!


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