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36 weeks

A somewhat uneventful week has passed and Dr. G says that Baby has dropped a little but doesn't expect her to join us anytime too soon.  Which is good, because he's headed out of the country for a week.  Kind of scary to know he won't be around, but to be honest, I'm not overly attached to him.  Is that bad?  I don't care who's there to catch the baby as long as she comes out healthy & Porch is there with me.  That's basically my entire birth plan:  get to hospital (preferably WITH Porch), have healthy baby, bring baby home.  Like it?  Me too.  So does my doctor.  ;)  

Until the time comes for her to join us, I am savoring every last kick and roll as she gets ready!  I didn't even realize I was having Braxton Hicks contractions until today at my appointment when they started and the doctor pointed them out to me, "Looks like you're having some Braxton Hicks there!"  I was kind of surprised.  I hadn't really noticed them much or thought of them as a contraction (yes, I know they're practice and that the real ones will hurt, thanks).

How far along? 36 weeks

Progress:  None.  Cervix is closed, she dropped (but just a little).  We aren't expecting her anytime soon.

Total weight gain:  I've gained 19 pounds total.

Maternity clothes?  I pretty much live in maternity clothes and got a little sad when I realized this fall I'll be back to normal people clothes (including sad, normal people waistbands).  I just realized none of my pajamas are maternity. On a related note, I will likely need new sweats after this is all said and done!

Stretch marks?  Still no stretch marks to speak of! Feelin' lucky!

Sleep: Sleep... I remember sleep.  Man do I miss it.  The little that I get is precious to me though it is often interrupted by heartburn and trips to the bathroom.  

Best moment this week:  A relaxing weekend at home included assembling all of Baby Porch's sweet new gear.  Watching Porch  assemble some of the stuff was very entertaining!

Miss anything?  I don't miss much.  I miss sleeping on my belly. 

Food cravings:  Still nothing.... though I do have a sweet tooth.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Being hot makes me super nauseous.  Wanted to vomit at my dentist appointment; I've never had an issue before and for some reason, this visit was ridiculous.   But in the end, the dentist did tell me that my gums look amazing.  Woot.  Woot.  She NEVER says that to me.

Gender: Baby Girl :)

Labor signs: Not yet, though I can tell we're in the home stretch because I now spend time wondering and worrying about where I will ultimately go into labor (and just how far from the hospital we'll be) and will my water break while I'm riding the red line?  Seems fair.  People do gross stuff on the train all the damn time.  

Symptoms: The bump, ninja kicks to the ribs, some discomfort in the pelvic bone area, the waddle... oh the waddle.

Belly button in or out? I have determined that technically, it's an outie, but because of the abdominal surgery I had and the way they stitched me up, it's physically impossible for it to actually pop out.  It's weird. 

Wedding rings on or off: On -- and loose... which seems counter-intuitive, but whatever.

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy, and totally counting the days! I find myself letting go of more and more at work as I realize I may not be there for some of the stuff that's coming up.

Looking forward to:  Another weekend at home...... ;)

Baby is the size of: a coconut
Got a pedicure today so we would be fancy & ready to rock for labor & delivery.
Because that's how we roll.

Only 28 days to go!!
This is gettin' serious!


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