We have ourselves a full-term baby! She has the official blessing to come any time she's ready; I have finished my coursework for the summer term and things are (mostly) ready at work. I'm so excited to meet this little person and start this new adventure as a family of three. Everyone in my family kept telling me stories about how early their babies came and I was early, Porch was early, everyone was early..... which I suspect means that this baby girl will come late. Just to break the mold. ;) (She gets that from her mother)
Baby is the size of: a leek
How far along? 37 weeks
Progress: None. Cervix is closed, she dropped (but just a little). We aren't expecting her anytime soon.
Total weight gain: I've gained 20 pounds total.
Maternity clothes? I find my choices are getting fewer and fewer as I continue to grow... but I refuse to buy more as we will be all done in 3 weeks or less!
Stretch marks? I suspect I have the starting of a stretch mark, but it's in a weird place on my side that I can't really see easily without help so Porch will have to confirm this for me.
Sleep: Sleep... I remember sleep. I toss and I turn, I flip and flop. I usually take 1 Tum a night and get up at least once to use the restroom (last night, I was up twice).
Best moment this week: Celebrating my grandpa's 80th birthday with my entire family in Wisconsin. Just my uncle was missing as he is currently overseas but will be home soon for a visit. Other than that, it was a full house and so amazing to see so much love for someone that I love & respect so very much. 80 years! I'm such a lucky girl to have someone so wonderful as family. :)
Miss anything? I don't miss much. I miss sleeping on my belly.
Food cravings: Still nothing.... though I do have a sweet tooth. And I love avocado, but I wouldn't say I crave it.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Being hot makes me super nauseous.
Gender: Baby Girl :)
Labor signs: Not yet... the Braxton Hicks contractions are still around, but I am now in full-on panic mode as I wait for the real deal.
Symptoms: The bump, ninja kicks to the ribs, lots of discomfort in the pelvic bone area, the waddle... oh the waddle.
Belly button in or out? I have determined that technically, it's an outie, but because of the abdominal surgery I had and the way they stitched me up, it's physically impossible for it to actually pop out. It's weird.
Wedding rings on or off: On but tight; it's the hottest day of the year so far here in Chicago and I have made the decision that if it gets much hotter, I'll have to start wearing the rings around my neck.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy, and totally counting the days! I find myself letting go of more and more at work as I realize I may not be there for some of the stuff that's coming up.
Looking forward to: Another weekend at home, waiting for Little Miss to make her grand entrance. I was really hoping she'd come today and share a birthday with my grandpa, but that's just fine, she can have her own special day. Maybe she'll come on our anniversary! Four years this Thursday! Time flies!
Hope she comes on time! I'm 1 day past my due date with NO progress!! :) Our little stinker has a mind of her own! Hoping your sweet one cooperates! Haha