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Lake Walk Weekend

Many thanks to those who supported me in the 2011 Lake Walk in Oconomowoc, WI.  We had a great turn out and although the sun wasn't the warmest, we were thankful to stay dry!  Fresh air did us well and after the walk, we celebrated Mother's Day and grandma's birthday at my mom & dad's house. 

After a fantastic brunch with my parents, Los Porchs rolled out of Ashippun and made several pit stops on the path back to Chicago.  We stopped at the Kohls and Wal-Mart in Delafield before making our way to the Mars Cheese Castle... yes, the much-anticipated visit to the new location that actually resembles a castle.  We've been chatting about it for a while & had the time (and desire) to lallygag around the castle to check it out.

All the excitement we had this weekend has us buzzing with the idea of relocating back to Wisconsin.  I mean, Chicago doesn't have a cheese castle or family.... now don't get to panicking, we aren't thinking about picking up and leaving tomorrow.  Just a seed that's planted in our brains! 

Yes we absolutely went cruising through some neighborhoods in Wisconsin and took note of the things we liked & disliked about each house.  This was a contender & is in Oconomowoc! 


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