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The 2011 Effin' Catalina Wine Mixer: Boats & Hoes

It started last year within our group from work as a result of our shared love for Step Brothers.  We spent so much time walking around asking if we had just become best friends, if we could put our bunk beds together, and asking when Shark Week was that we realized that we needed to have our very own Catalina Wine Mixer.  Behold....

Because summer gets to be a bit hectic with scheduling, we found a date and went with it.  It was a bit sad for us that some people couldn't be here this year, but we're sure that we'll catch them for the 3rd annual wine mixer!  This year's theme was "Boats & Hoes."  Costumes were encouraged:  I was a bit disappointed by the lack of creativity, though there was some interesting explanations!  Spent the morning cleaning up and preparing the scene; spent this morning nursing what can only be described as the worst hangover ever.  More on that later.  While I was getting ready, I put on some old-school vinyl Fleetwood Mac and rocked out!

You CAN go your own way!  :)

Looks amazing right?!  So clean, so organized.  So ready to rock out to Fleetwood Mac!!!

I found these cute cups at Party City; a pack of 20 was like $10 but be warned, at least four of the cups were busted when I got them home.  Bummer.

Boats & Hoes:  Everyone gets laid

Los Porchs were ready with 5 bottles!
We proposed a challenge:  Everyone must bring a bottle of wine that's name begins with the same letter as their first name.  Bonus points if your bottle had something nautical (or hoe) related.  The winner was Roxa!  Her prize?  More wine.  And a terribly destroyed cupcake (which I believe she declined).

Festive napkins and plates, though I feel we should have eaten more.

We absolutely did watch the movie and giggle the entire time, while some of the guests ran back and forth between the living room and the bathroom.... because we have a fantastic full-wall mirror that had been begging to be included.

After:  Covered in Step Brothers quotes

After the movie, we were ready for some snacks.  There was a beer run and the group came back with cupcakes.... that didn't quite make the journey safely.  "Were you swinging the bag?" we asked she-who-shall-remain-nameless-on-this-blog-entry.  "Uh, no....."  Fun fact?  She's still denying it today. 

It was a pretty amazing time... from what I recall anyways.   Turns out, you should never, ever, ever [EVER!] mix wine with 99 Bananas.  Actually, I'm thinking you should just never drink 99 Bananas period.  As mentioned earlier, MsDanL found herself with more than a touch of a hangover.  Luckily?  I have a guaranteed hangover cure:  a McDouble and the largest Diet Coke that I can find.  And *boom* the hangover was gone & I was back in action.

The culprit.  Never again.

Thank you to Porch for going out and getting the cure.  You're amazing!!!
There's a reason this kind of event is an annual event -- we couldn't deal with this kind of aftermath more frequently!  Thanks to those who joined us!  We missed those of you who didn't.  And we can't wait to do it again next year!  Guess we better start thinking of a theme for next year... open to suggestions! 


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