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If it's mini sized, it's 0 calories, right?

After searching Chicago stores for almost a month, Mom told me that her Piggly Wiggly had pumpkin... so Porch and I stropped by on our way home.  I certainly did grab 4 cans because it's better to have lots than to run out.  =)  And I've been on a baking run lately!

Hot out of the oven
So I found this adorable {no-brainer} recipe on Pinterest and decided to give it a try!  Long story short?  Use a pie crust (homemade is fine if you're looking for bonus points, but I went w/ the store bought) and cut it into 4" circles -- use a cookie cutter or a cup if you're smooth like me.  Put the circles into the mini muffin pan and then pour your pumpkin pie mix into the cups.  Fill it all the way to the top, don't be stingy.  I had to make my own pie filling since they didn't have that at Piggly Wiggly but the recipe was easy peasy.  Throw those bad boys into the oven and fall in love with the scents that fill your home! 

Easiest thing I've baked in a while & quickly brought back memories from childhood.  I dare say Mom would be proud.  Give it a try & see what you think!

Bite-sized happiness


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