Looks amazing, right? Porch found the recipe online today and we were both pretty pleased to find that we had all of the ingredients in our pantry so.... why the hell not? Seems like a great side dish for dinner tonight. Los Porchs' Muffin Tin Mac 2 C macaroni (here I've used the vegetable blend from Trader Joe's, mostly for the color) 1 1/2 C shredded cheddar, divided (the sharper, the better in my opinion) 1 1/2C shredded mozzarella 1 C milk 1T butter 1 egg breadcrumbs Prepare the macaroni like normal and when it's almost done, still a little firm, drain it and add the milk, egg, butter, mozzarella, and 1 C of the cheddar. Spoon it into the muffin tin and sprinkle the tops with the 1/2 C of cheddar and breadcrumbs. Throw that shit in the oven at 350 and walk away for about 30 minutes. Enjoy. Sometimes while I'm cooking, I like to pretend I'm on Chopped or better yet, Next Food Network Star, and I jazz it up a bit. Tonight I added ...
A study in parenting, marriage, and life.