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Butter Babies

We spent a good chunk of Sunday afternoon strolling around our new neighborhood (I'm really not sure how long I'm going to call it new, but for now, it's still new) and found several great new places!  We're on this health-ish kick where we are exercising moderation with our food choices and moving our asses off the couch.  Here's hopin' that we see some kind of result.  So there we were, looking like mall walkers (I sometimes like to pretend to have ski poles just to irritate embarrass Porch) checking out the amazing homes in our area.  We made it to one of our favorite new stores, Hoard, and then we decided to keep going since hey, we're out, we're already moving, and we aren't exhausted.  Alas, we continue on our path and our finds were awesome -- and I found a sprinkler or two to run through like a small child.  Don't judge.  We discovered Yogurt Square which was fun and we shared a small bowl of frozen goodness before continuing on.  TONS of adorable shops that I cannot wait to visit again with my wallet.  I'll consider it a plus that I went out on this excursion without my wallet or phone.

Made an amazing dinner tonight and wanted to have a side salad; realized I had exactly none of the dressing I wanted and had a mini freak-out.  Almost aborted the mission; then came to my senses and hit the Google machine & found a recipe for a homemade raspberry vinaigrette.  Had to improvise on the raspberry but it was FABULOUS!

Mrs. Porch's Vinaigrette

1 tbp jam/jelly/preserves (whatever ya got in your casa)
1/4 C white vinegar
1/3 C olive oil

Here comes my improv -- I only had strawberry jam.  And I added some strawberry balsamic I had from our engagement in 2009 (Holy. Shit. that was forever ago).  

Whisk it together & enjoy.

We also had corn on the cob for the first time of the season!  Knee high by the fourth of July!    We're big fans of the pink Himalayan sea salt from Trader Joe's.  So is Casey.  Sigh.  I miss Casey.

See that little guy at the end of my corn cob?  It's a Butter Baby!!  They're so cute!!!

Disclosure:  Wasn't paid a dime for a single thing I wrote.  I did receive payment in the form of an amazing dinner from my husband for... well... for being awesome I suspect.  Other than that, nada.


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