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Showing posts from January, 2013

How far would you go...

... to get the pen you loved? Didn't that kinda come together like the cliffhangers from the dramadies on tv?  I hope so. I'm serious.  There are just certain pens that can suck it and others whom I warmly invite into my office space and actively seek out.  Sounds silly, perhaps, but I have a certain pen that I choose to use whenever possible. If that's wrong, I don't' want to be right.  I do an obscene amount of paperwork in my position at work and if I'm going to be doing so, I want to be comfy and happy with my pen -- not shaking it every 2 minutes or getting all hand-crampy. So?  How dramatic are you about your writing tool of choice?  I can't be the only one out there, or there wouldn't be so many types of pens available!! UPDATE: They arrived.  And I'm quite pleased with myself.  :) My name is Mrs. Porch & I have a school supply addiction. More specifically, I'm a pen-hoarder.  The package arrived today ...

Wordless Wednesday: Where it's going, no one knows

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Snow Bunnies

We spent the weekend with my parents in Northern Wisco enjoying the snow and winter weather.  We were on the trails all day Saturday and my body is super sore today! Being a passenger is hard work! Gorgeous views and good company made it worth the sore muscles.  We love winter and playing in the winter weather. Left a little early today as much of our area is expecting a winter storm complete with freezing rain and snow. Fun to play in but not fun to drive in! Slow and steady wins the race!! We're hoping to get another chance to ride this winter but we'll have to see hoe Porch's work schedule and the weather coincide. Did you play outside this weekend? Are you a cold weather fan or does the thought of snow keep you inside under a mountain of blankets?