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Charlotte {3 months}

We have officially made it through the fourth trimester.  I firmly believe that it's a thing and having the mindset of helping C through a 4th trimester of development made it easier (I think) to handle the sleepless nights and some of the fussiness we encountered (though there honestly wasn't much *knock on wood*).

|| What Charlotte is wearing ||
... 6 month onesies
... 6 month pants
... 0-6 month socks from Old Navy

|| Charlotte likes ||
... sharing good morning smiles & chatter with momma & daddy when we get her out of her crib

... the silly songs momma & daddy make up to entertain her
... a good, snug swaddle (best sleep ever)
... a good blow out just to keep us on our toes
... bath time 
... walks
... kicking her feet
... shouting talking

|| Charlotte dislikes ||*We're pretty aware of Charlotte's dislikes -- she's pretty vocal about it.

... the long car ride to the cabin
... being in the backseat of Momma's car by herself

... being held the wrong way (your guess is as good as mine)

|| Things Charlotte is undecided about at this point ||
... the K'Tan wrap 

... tummy time

|| Special things we love about Charlotte right now ||
... her giggle/babble -- we would do just about anything to get that giggle
... those darn cheeks (I could eat her)
... her farts (sometimes sharts)

|| Development ||
... turns her head to follow people when they walk by (especially Momma & Daddy)

... grasps toys w/ both hands
... getting stronger every day with lots of tummy time at school & at home!
... gets close to rolling from her back to her belly sometimes in her crib (she can rotate herself from being parallel to perpendicular in the crib)
... stands when help up 

|| Nicknames ||
... Cheekers
... Nugget
... Charlie Girl
... Itty Bitty
... Mamacita
... Charlie Bug
... Sweet Cheeks

|| Dear Charlotte ||

We made it! You amaze me every. single. day.  Sometimes I can't believe how big you are; I tend not to notice how big you are until I see someone else holding you and think "WHOA!"  You love to sit on the couch with Daddy & watch tv together.  This drives me crazy as I am WELL AWARE of the American Academy of Pediatrics' (and NAEYC's) position statement on passive technology use with children under age 2.  Yet here we are.  ;)  I'm sure you'll be just fine, right?  All of the reading we do surely cancels that tv watching out?  We love you so so much and are so excited to share the holidays with you this year!  I have waited so long to have a child to share & make new traditions with and I am so thankful that it's you!

Love that dimple!

3 months is best summarized by Charlotte's obsession w/ her hands

Girlfriend is always eating her hands!

Ummm, guys?  Is someone coming to pick me up?  I'm done with this.

blooper :)

Don't mind me while I just..... remove this sticker.....

GAH!  That face!


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