Charlotte celebrated the big .5 this weekend by meeting a new friend and then visiting with Nana and Grandpa this afternoon! We went out for sushi and she was an excellent dinner date! She was a little fussy when we got there (cried the entire drive from Ashippun to Pewaukee) but did okay when we arrived and she got to sit at the table with us. The spoon from Grandpa's miso soup was a big hit!
It's hard to believe that 6 months have already passed and that in the same amount of time (duh) we'll be celebrating Charlie's 1st Birthday! I've started giving some thought to how we might celebrate and am so excited that we'll be close enough that family can join us to celebrate! In the mean time, I am all about this cheeky babe and all of the smiles and raspberries she throws our way!
Charlie loves
... bath time
... Mommy snuggles
... Daddy Blast Off
... Nuby ring
... Gabby the Ghost owl
... sitting up by herself
... having a picnic with anyone and everyone
Charlie does not love
... when we miss her cues for sleep and she gets overtired (really can't blame her for that one)
... teething (I assume it's teething, I'm not sure yet)
... strangers
... breastmilk popsicles
... being sick (maybe this is more of a "Momma doesn't love")
Charlie is on the fence about
... her car seat cover. She enjoys eating it but also enjoys trying to remove it from her car seat.
Currently wearing size 3 diapers and 9 month outfits, though she does have some 12 month pieces that seem to work for her. 9 month pants still fit and that's usually how I judge where we are!
We usually start our day around 7:15 and get dressed for school. I nurse her and she plays a little before we get her packed up in her car seat. We try to leave the house around 8 and arrive to school around 8:30. She takes a few cat naps during the day (usually 30-50 minutes although sometimes she surprises us and naps for like 2 hours) and drinks about 4 bottles of milk a day while she's there. I try to pick her up by 4:30 and we head home to spend some time with Daddy before bath time and the transition to bed. Charlie typically goes to bed around 7pm and will then sleep until around 1:30-2am and wake for a bottle before going back down until 4:30-5:00ish. I typically get up with her at that point and nurse for a while and she'll fall back asleep until it's time to get ready for her day! We try to honor her routines as much as possible.
We'll be starting to explore some foods this week which is exciting and terrifying all at once; somehow my Charlie Bug is old enough (and certainly ready) for food! I'm thinking of exploring the Baby Lead Weaning process as Charlotte is fiercely independent and do not see her as wanting to be fed. Get that damn airplane nonsense away from me and give me my own damn spoon. She's sitting up more and more although I haven't seen the roll from belly to back yet, just back to belly for the time being. Homegirl is growing up!
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That smile does things to my heart that I cannot articulate. |
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Oh my gosh, Momma! I am so excited to be 6 months! |
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Sitting up like a big girl! |
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This is like her go to happy face these days.... cracks me up! |
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Sometimes, a foot suffices for snack. |
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Momma & Charlie :) |
Time flies. I say that all the time and I know everyone warned me that it would be like I blinked... they were right. We are having so much fun watching Charlie master new skills and pick up new quirks each week!
Momma Porch
I can't believe it's been 6 months either! Time is FLYING!! She's adorable! I hope solid foods goes well! So far Raegan wants nothing to do with them :)