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Charlotte {8 months}

Better late than never... Charlotte was a miserable bug on the 8th so we opted to focus on taking care of her rather than trying to capture photos.  We've had a busy, busy month and as hard as I thought those weekly bump updates were, it's even harder to keep on top of these updates; I think this is partly because I refuse to admit that another month has passed and partially because I am exhausted at a l l times.  All of them.

We had multiple opportunities to measure Charlotte this month; we had THREE doctor visits in 2 weeks for our sick little nugget.  She's currently weighing in around 19 pounds, 15 ounces.  She goes for her next well-baby visit in early May and I suspect she'll 20 pounds and somewhere in the vicinity of 29 inches.

Teeth:  2 lower chompers have emerged!

Charlie is kind of a big deal.  She wakes up around 5:30-6 and snuggles with Mama until it's time to get up for the day.  We get ready for school and make the 30 minute drive to the center together.  She does not enjoy the super sunny days when the sun is in her eyes and she's trying to fall asleep; if she's already asleep and the sun hits her, it's no problem.  She spends the day with her teachers and I try to pick her up by 4:30 so we can make our drive home and still have time to play before bed. We try to go for walks nightly with Daddy if the weather and our schedules allow it. Dinner (purees and mushy foods) is typically followed by a bath, then playing and/or Mama snuggles.  She's usually asleep by 8 and (if she's not sick) will sleep until around 2.  We've had some off nights lately because of the upper respiratory infection, double ear infections, and sinus infection.  Teething and being sick does a number on sleep routines, that's fo sho.

-Walking while holding our hands.  If she's fussy, all we have to do is hold her hands and watch her go!  
-Rolling onto her belly and back (especially during a diaper change)
-Going for walks and being outside to play
-Her puppy toy (as seen in her pictures)
-Calling out "ma ma ma ma ma ma" (it's her favorite (and only) consonant sound)
-Eating in her high chair
-Touch and Feel story books
-Playing Peek-A-Boo
-Riding her elephant toy
-Sitting up like a big girl in the bathtub

-Nose Frieda
-Sinus infections
-Ear infections
-Sunshine in her eyeballs

Things to look forward to...
-Baby-proofing this weekend
-Lowering the crib this weekend
-Crawling?  I'm not sure she'll crawl, but I am certain that once she starts moving, we're screwed.
-More talking

I sincerely hope she's on the mend and that this period of illness has passed; we love our pediatrician and her team (especially since Nana is on that team), but c'mon..... we need to go more than a week without seeing ya'll!  :)  The weather in Milwaukee is predicted to be pretty iffy this coming week, but we know that we're on the up and up!  We're excited for summer weather and have been actively making the choice to stay home and enjoy the house!  At some point, I'll tackle those boxes in the basement -- maybe I can bring Charlotte down there, I imagine if I had her help, everything would end up in the Goodwill box just to get out of there sooner.

We're already planning her 1st birthday party, which will be on her actual first birthday, August 8th.  It's hard to believe we are already past the 8 month mark.  We are having so much fun watching Charlotte grow up and watching her sassy little personality emerge!  She is amazing and I know we're going to have our hands full, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  She is exactly the peanut I was meant to have as my daughter.

It's near impossible to keep this little girl in one spot long enough to get a camera to focus.
Gone are the days of using our 'real' camera for this stuff and here are the pictures I got w/ my cell phone.

Giraffe is fun, but Puppy really had to get in on the action.
Puppy also routinely gets "kisses" when Charlie picks him up.  I love it.
I squealed the first time I saw her do it.
Also, not sure about where that Popeye look came from, but it makes my heart flutter.

Trying to take it one day at a time....
Mama Porch


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