So I was thinking about the fact that I am always tired, like yawning all day long, even in an important meeting with employees (gah!), maybe we should just consider trying for baby #2 while we're here, limping along. The idea of getting back to a normal sleep schedule just to start this all over again is not exactly an attractive offer. Sadly, we won't get a ton of say in our plans for trying to add baby #2... and we have a lot to figure out logistically speaking as our (4) embabies are currently still Chicago residents and I still have mad RE love for Dr. TK. There's a chance that the first time we do the FET (frozen embryo transfer), it will work right away. There's also a chance that it won't. Luckily, I am so deep in this haze of parenting that I don't have too much time to think about or process what that would mean and feel like... Would you rather be a zombie for a few years or go back to the good life and then come back to newborn hell? xo M...
A study in parenting, marriage, and life.