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The struggle.... it's so very real.

I am exhausted.  Always.  I could drink a pot of coffee and still fall asleep the moment my head hits the pillow, but I rarely face my alarm clock with a sense of enthusiasm.  To be fair, I have never been a morning person.  But now I have this tiny human and I find that I'm still struggling to balance my life with baby.  I yawn all day long. I was really hoping to have my poop in a group by now, almost 10 months in.  But then things like this happen and I'm worried for my own sanity:

Mrs:  I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back.  Keep an eye on Charlie.
Mr:  Okay, fine.

Minutes pass by, I have gone to the restroom and accomplished some small task in the kitchen and join Mr. and Charlie in the living room.

Mrs:  Shoot, I still haven't gone to the bathroom.
Mr:  *worried look* You just went.
Mrs:  I did?!  Really?!

I wish I could make this stuff up.  I can't tell if I'm just completely sleep-deprived or losing my mind one day at a time.  I can't remember the last time I slept through the night, it was certainly before Charlotte was born as I had some wicked heartburn and side pains at the end of my pregnancy and had been getting up nonstop to pee when I was pregnant.  It's entirely possible that an entire year has already passed.  I wouldn't know as I can't even remember if I just used the restroom.

Does it ever come back?  That feeling of 'togetherness'?  Am I going to feel this way forever?  Charlotte's sleeping will get better (she's done great this week so far) and eventually, I can be done with pumping (I'm still up in the middle of the night to pump).  The day I pack up my pump will likely be celebrated with drinks and dancing.

I just need someone to remind me, and maybe I can remind myself, that this too shall pass.



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