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Behind the scenes of moving

Porch and I are no strangers to moving.  Since we moved in together in 2008, we've seen some things.  Like the time we moved into our first apartment together in the West Loop and he had the mattress on top of his LR3 and went through a red light.  Did you know Chicago has red light cameras?  Not only will they send you the ticket for going through said red light, they'll throw in free video footage of your vehicle going through -- with a mattress on top.  There was really no fighting that.

Or the time we moved out of that apartment to a place 2 blocks over and the landlord kept the security deposit because of a chip in the granite that no one but her could seem to locate?

Or when we decided it was time to move to a place where we could "raise someone" and in the course of moving, had at least two boxes open and spill their contents in the middle of Malden?

We have experience a lot of moving.  We've learned some tricks along the way.

Moving to Wisconsin was a challenge because there was no way we could do it ourselves, we didn't have a house yet and had to start jobs, and we had an infant.

I'm super curious to know how moving with an energetic and very opinionated toddler will go.

We've hit the stage in our process of moving where we've taken an inventory of our freezer downstairs and will now stop buying major grocery items in an attempt to use up as much as possible.  The first couple of nights will be no big deal, right?  But when we get to the end, it'll be like an intense game of Chopped, only neither of us are that enthused nor is there a $10,000 prize at the end.

I guess the best part of moving is that I know we can do it together and make it out alive, possibly stronger.  Porch and I make a truly effective team (name that movie).  I actually knew it was time to admit that I wanted to date Porch when we went on a camping trip with my family in 2007 and didn't fight at all while putting up the tent.  I wish I was kidding.

Our current game plan is to start packing the things we know we don't need and to pull the things in the basement that never got unpacked (like our bar items) and prepare them for the move.  There will likely be several Goodwill runs in our future as well.  The purge is such a refreshing process, though I'm a little intimated that our new place is so big and we have so little furniture.  There's space to grow and time to find the things that speak to our style.  Or something.

And now to refill this coffee cup, turn up the music, and get packing!  :)  We don't have a closing date yet, but we anticipate it will be sometime in early to mid June.

Mama Porch


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