one of my favorite parts of this pregnancy has been charlie's excitement about it and the enthusiasm with which she greets the friday morning update about what size the baby is each week. i was so thankful that i got to be with her this friday morning so we could look at it together before we were apart for a minute. baby is the size of a butternut squash. i am currently 76 days from her due date and wondering if she'll be early like her sister or if she'll stay snuggled in there beyond her due date.
i am excited to watch charlie evolve in her role as big sister. being 4 is hard work and adding in big sister duty will be interesting to witness. i am already super proud of my big girl and can't wait to see my girls together.
i have been awful with bump pictures this go 'round but here's what i've got at the moment. :)
28 weeks |
28 weeks @ the beach |
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