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Day 2 (The One Where Cocktail Hour Started Early)

Day 2 of Danie's Quarantine:

  • after charlie's 39th meltdown over not getting to use technology until homework is done, cocktail hour started at 3:30pm.
  • today i discovered how much violet loves the "10 little ladybugs" book
  • i showered and put on clothes that weren't pajamas but did not wash my hair (i mean, really).
  • charlie & i baked the friendship bread that she got as a starter from a friend at school after a few days of taking care of the starter. charlie approves and thinks its delicious. i still have a bag of the starter if anyone wants in on this.
  • feeding charlie every 2-3 hours seems key to avoiding the hangry meltdown, but the big feelings still came through this afternoon (see above).
  • nana and papa sent over a painting activity that charlie really got into - she loved mixing the colors
  • violet had her first pretzel rod & loved it, except for that first hit of salt she got -- wasn't a fan!
  • violet took a kick-ass 2-hour nap this afternoon after waking up at 7ish. hoping to get her into a good schedule for sleep because admittedly, her school naps were roughly 30 minutes or the equivalent of a super long blink.
  • i miss work & the break from parenting; i am not a stay at home mom, even though i still think that sounds like a great thing and know the benefits of being home with my children, i simply cannot. it's day 2 and i'm already feeling like i'm on maternity leave day #573. send wine. jk. send brandy (korbel) - it's an old fashioned kinda night!

I'm in self-quarantine because I had a few symptoms and the Dept of Health thought it best to go ahead with a 7-day self-quarantine just to be abundantly cautious; if my symptoms worsen, I am to contact my doctor for testing/additional treatment. So far, I've been just fine. I have a great bartender husband and kids who (for the most part) sleep well.


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