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Meet Singer

Listen.  I love to craft, I'm obsessed with Pinterest, but yet I was honestly terrified to open the sewing machine I had received as a birthday gift -- in September.  While Porch was up north hunting, I spent the weekend with my mom who has always inspired me to be creative.  She's what I like to call a self-taught expert and was willing to walk me through the process of learning how to master the Singer.  Thank goodness she's so patient.

We spent pretty much all of Saturday out and about at the local craft stores (JoAnn Fabrics and Ben Franklin) which were a little disappointing in terms of prices & selection.  We also hit up two different Wal-Marts, Good Will, and a new thrift store in my hometown.  Didn't get home until after 8pm so we were pretty exhausted -- but determined!  After our quick Taco Bell dinner (I love to think outside the bun), we opened the pattern and began to dig into the lessons.

Mom jumps in with the bright idea of reading the instructions.

I won't lie.  I was kind of terrible and therefore discouraged, but my mom was so helpful and patient that I had to see this bad boy all the way through.  I was determined to have this dress created before Porch came to pick me up to go home.  Around 2am we decided perhaps our brains were turning into mush and that we should try again tomorrow. 
Let us admire the fantastic holiday sweater.  Don't get too jealous.  I have another that's almost identical.

Couldn't have been happier to get to this stage.... :)
Things came together and after two (seriously?!) broken needles.  I was eager to show it off; I loved the fabric when we got it at Wal-Mart but I loved it even more when it was done and accessorized w/ mom's fun items!!

I'm done!

It wouldn't be a Sunday in Wisconsin without cheering for the Packers.  Mom & I watched as we finished up the dress and enjoyed seeing the Pack go 10-0. 
This?  Oh this right here is "the belt."  Aaron Rodgers, do not hesitate to contact me.

Clay Matthews, your hair is prettier than mine.  Thank you for inspiring me.

If I can do it, anyone can.  Seriously.


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