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Los Porchs Visit the Museum

Of Science & Industry.

Though we have lived in Chicago for quite some time, today was the first visit to the Museum of Science and Industry for Porch.  I've only been there on field trips with the tiny humans from school.  So to have an entire day to roam and explore was pretty fantastic.  And I must admit, being an adult has serious perks.  We ate at the cafe in the museum for lunch and I got to order anything I wanted.  Huzzah!  (It really is the little things in life.)

Los Porchs Amazing Christmas Adventure 2011:
Ready to head out!
With our arrival, we were excited to note that I got in for free because I'm a teacher and Porch was able to get the Chicago resident rate though he didn't have proper documentation of this.  We got our tickets (including admission to the Dr. Seuss exhibit) and boarded the magical escalator to the 2nd floor.

I'm a sucker for the lights!

This is the only Seuss picture I think I have since no photos were allowed in the exhibit hall.  
Consider this my official recommendation for the exhibit.  Very interesting!  
One of the reasons I was attracted to the museum was the display of Christmas trees.  Several countries were on display.

Oh Norway, you're just too cute.

Oh he's FANCY!  :)  

My Pinterest instincts were buzzing at this point.

If you could "pin" something in real life, this would already be on a board.

Los Porchs can find cheese anywhere. 

This is what Canada was bringing to the table.
I searched for a Mountie but was unable to locate one.
Sorry Keel.

Try as they may, I will never believe that people in England are decorating their trees with framed pictures of William & Kate.  I just refuse.
Porch's nerdy-senses were tingling as this exhibit was worked into others; particularly the trains & airplanes. We began our adventure with the trains & the model trains.  Porch turned into a fun-sucker (just for a minute) with this fantastic blurb:  I'm not going to pose for a picture at every exhibit.  That's fine, I will.  Don't be such a Grinch.  I am happy to report that we had smooth sailing from then on.
Oh hey there ;)
Now if you've never been, I highly recommend this museum for learners of all ages based on the hands-on and interactive nature of the exhibits.  For example:  the fluffiest newly hatched chicks ever.

Me:  They're so fluffy I'm gonna die!
Porch:  I just wanna take 30 to 40 of these and compress them into chicken nuggets.

There you have it folks, the difference between men and women.

Just wanna put you in my pocket.
We even made our very own Gravitron and got to watch the entire production process.  Fun fact?  It has "Los Porchs" etched on the top.  Nice little keepsake if I do say so myself.  For the low, low cost of only $5.
See?  Posing for another picture.
No more Grinch!
We had a fun day exploring and are now making a delicious dinner on the grill before we exchange gifts tonight.  One of my dearest friends shared some exciting news tonight and I feel like I'm going to BURST waiting to share the news, but alas, I will wait.

... let's get to the opening of gifts, shall we?

Klaus, I know you're reading this.


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