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Onesie Cupcakes

Wanting to celebrate the birth of a very special baby girl, I was ready to test out a project I had seen on Pinterest.  Those who know me know that I am addicted.  My house is now full of crafty-ness.  It's true.  Back to the Onesies.

Baby P arrived & I was ready to give this Onesie Cupcake project a go.

Step 1
Go to the store and grab (4) Onesies and (4) matching/ish receiving blankets.

Step 2
Find a cute box or cupcake container; I scored mine at Dominick's in the bakery department.  It was a little more snug that I had hoped, but in the end, it worked just fine.  A box might be cuter.  Guess we'll have to wait for another birth before we try again!

Step 3
Now the fun begins.  Fold each receiving blanket into a 2-in strip.  Bunch up a corresponding Onesie in your hand and push your finger into it to puff it up.  Wrap the blanket around the blanket; holding it securely the entire time.  I then used a coffee filter as the base & wrapped a ribbon around the outside of each "cupcake."  A rubber band would also have sufficed.  Repeat this step 4 times (or however many cupcakes you intend to make & put into the box).

Step 4
I then jammed all 4 into the cupcake container & sealed it up. 

Cute right?!  It was fun to make and super easy; would be an adorable baby shower gift.  :)  I'm so glad Baby P is here, now I have someone to make all of my fun Pinterest projects for!  Hooray!


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