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Just me & Barnabe

It's true.  Barnabe & I have been having some incredible amounts of Mommy & Me time this month.  I even gave him a little haircut (this cracks Roxanne up every time I tell her this & I don't know why because it's true -- I do have to trim him or he ends up looking more like a shrub and well, no son of my is gonna be a shrub). 

My son, Barnabe Jones, showing off his new hair cut.  Hey, at least it's not 8 cats.

 I finally rearranged the living space back to how it was before the maddness of winter holiday travel and now that it's back to being all cozy and relaxing, there's no one here to enjoy it but Barnabe. 

Cozy, no?

He spends his days soaking up the sunlight while Porch & I work the craziest hours yet.  Case in point, I got home last night at 7 and worked until about 9:30, patted myself on the back for being such a hard worker, and then settled in with a book.  Time passed and I realized I was still the only person (sorry Barnabe) home.  Hm.  Cue midnight and enter Porch.  What. the. hell.

Seriously?  He managed to put in like 15 hours yesterday making my mere 11.5 look silly in comparison.  For real, I could practically hear his taunting voice (you know the one) this morning when I finally saw him and announced the time I spent working yesterday -- "You worked 11.5 hours?  Oh how quaint."  Admit it, those of you who know us just read that in Porch's voice.  Nailed it.

So.  What's a single-like mother to do?  I went tanning.  Don't judge me.  I did it and I liked it and I left feeling so relaxed.  And smelling like vacation -- something I can only dream about at this moment in time.  I was pretty pumped when I got home & got my tax form from the people of hell FedLoan saying I had paid a ridiculous amount in interest this year.  I'm still holding out for an amazing tax return so Los Porchs can return to the tropical weather without laptops or cell phones! 

In the mean time, we'll settle for having friends over whom we haven't seen in ages.  In particular I am anxious to see one of my dearest friends, who for the sake of protecting that pristine image, will hereby just be known as Peanut Butter.  She & her hubby haven't been over in ages and Barnabe is feeling pretty neglected.

Come back Peanut Butter!!!

He told me so.


You don't have this kind of relationship with your plants?  This is why they're going to revenge and kill you all.  :)  Don't believe me?  Watch The Ruins.


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