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Showing posts from July, 2012

Carpe... something.... Mondays suck

I think we can all agree that motivation on a Monday is a rare thing to come across and the little bit that you can muster for the day must be spread between work and home.  For quite some time now, I've been blissfully ignorant with home life and not getting much accomplished after arriving home from my ridiculous days.  Today, I clocked out after 8.5 hours and headed home to get some shit done. And I did! I really did. I learn new things about myself all the time, but I already know that the moment my ass makes a connection with the couch -- that's it.  I'm literally done for the day and doing nothing more with myself.  Chances are also high that I'm in my sweatpants when this occurs. Behold.  Today I came home and did laundry (lots of it) and got dinner together, made coffee for the morning and *gasp* may even clean the bathrooms.  I fully realize how sad it is that I"m excited about accomplishing so little, but yesterday pretty much didn't happe...

The First Two Years of Marriage

I suspect that if we were to poll some of the couples whose marriages have stood the test of time, they will agree that time flies and in a moment, years have passed. Naturally, as we celebrate our second year of wedding bliss (read: survival), Porch & I have our own perspective on how to make a marriage happy... Download IMDB (International Movie Data Base):  it quickly solves any disputes regarding actors, titles, etc. I put this one first mostly because of how often we use this tool to just nip an argument in the bud.  For real.  It's on both of our phones, the iPad, and of course we can use our laptops as well.  It's a helpful little resource. Go download it.  I'll wait. Make coffee the night before:  it makes the house happier in the morning. We both require large doses of caffeine to deal with our mornings.  While I'm slowly attempting to wean myself off ( kinda ), Porch can still drink an entire pot in one sitting. ...

A Tiny Table

I've long had a passion for re-purposing and refinishing items to make them new again.  I could spend my entire day thrifting; armed with my Starbucks and big purse, I could probably take over the world. I'm excited that my husband has started to enjoy the hunt as well.  I think it stems from the fact that he has so many tools that aren't being used on a regular basis and these projects give him something to be handy with... While strolling around one lazy afternoon, we found a hideous blue child-sized table; the only thing this piece had going for it was the price.  I love to furnish classrooms with real furniture and this caught my eye as I knew I could make it a one-of-a-kind piece to add to our two's classroom.  At ten bucks, I couldn't refuse the challenge. Bleh.  What a gross color. Clearly this blue table was in need of a good home. And some TLC via paint/stain. Since spray paint isn't sold in the city of Chicago, we picked...

Just throw some beer in there

My name is Mrs. Porch and I am a Chopped fanatic. I have been known to randomly dump shit into a pan and sometimes mix catch phrases to entertain myself. "Just add some butt-ah. Bam!" So begins tonight's dinner saga... With my mother in law ditching out on us while in town for only a week (I suspect it's so she can watch The Bachelorette from the comfort of her upgraded hotel suite), I was left to my own non-take-out-devices.  My Chopped senses were tingling as I opened the fridge and was greeted by a multitude of ingredients, up to and including a moldy bag of garlic cloves.   See?  I clearly need to spend less time ordering take out and more time using the amazing ingredients in my home. Alas, the now-famous " Spotted Cow Pancetta & Scallops" were born. I had seen some recipes on Pinterest -- Follow me here --(seriously, I pin way more than I actually cook which is perhaps something I should attempt as an August challenge) that seemed light ...

Behold: The Magic of the Dining Room Table

I know that most people our age don't eat at the kitchen table; I know this because we are often guilty of parkin' it on the couch with take out.  Our July challenge has been to avoid delivery if possible (and really, OF COURSE it's possible to avoid if we can just get past that laziness exhaustion).  So far, we're doing okay.  Not the best ever, but we haven't ordered delivery. We went out to dinner last night with Momma Porch and my fabulous sister-in-law to Demera in Uptown for Ethiopian cuisine.  Porch and I have eyed this place with each passing on foot and in the car and I suspect we've just been waiting for a brave house guest to share the experience with!  Cue Momma Porch!  We all headed over for dinner and oh. my. GOD.  Best dinner ever. I wish I were kidding.  I feel like the past 28 years of my life have been sheltered from some amazing food.  We went for the family-style dining experience and I am so glad we did. ...

Don't blink

As a group of my peers gather this evening in the small town where we threw our caps in the air back in 2002  for our 10-year reunion, I can't help but think about the person that I've become in the time that's passed.  I found one of my senior pictures and was hit with a pang of nostalgia as I realized just how little I knew when I was 18.  So much has happened since I drove away from that town to start my life in college! Oh to be 18 again... wait, how about 21.  I think I'd do 21 again. Another amazing realization today occurred while getting ready this morning:  I've known my husband for 10 years.  I met him my freshman year of college.  I can't believe I almost didn't go to Platteville, but I am so thankful that I did.  Some of our dearest (and craziest) friendships & memories are from our time in college.   Maybe it's wrong, but I'm most excited for a 10 year college reunion.  High school to me just seem...