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Just throw some beer in there

My name is Mrs. Porch and I am a Chopped fanatic.
I have been known to randomly dump shit into a pan and sometimes mix catch phrases to entertain myself.
"Just add some butt-ah. Bam!"

So begins tonight's dinner saga...
With my mother in law ditching out on us while in town for only a week (I suspect it's so she can watch The Bachelorette from the comfort of her upgraded hotel suite), I was left to my own non-take-out-devices.  My Chopped senses were tingling as I opened the fridge and was greeted by a multitude of ingredients, up to and including a moldy bag of garlic cloves.  See?  I clearly need to spend less time ordering take out and more time using the amazing ingredients in my home.

Alas, the now-famous "Spotted Cow Pancetta & Scallops" were born.

I had seen some recipes on Pinterest -- Follow me here --(seriously, I pin way more than I actually cook which is perhaps something I should attempt as an August challenge) that seemed light and easy, perfect for a warm summer night's dinner.

I'm going to go ahead and share this amazing recipe with you, but only because you'll likely never be able to recreate it since I wrote nothing down and... started with a different recipe but used exactly 2 of the ingredients from that recipe:  noodles & breadcrumbs.

Spotted Cow Pancetta & Scallops

  • Oil & garlic into pan on low heat.
  • Tossed in some red peppers-- I love to sneak veggies into food!
  • Sauteed that mess for a bit, then added the pancetta.  Actual bacon may give a stronger flavor if you're not a seafood fan.
  • Stood around talking to Porch for a while, grabbed a Spotted Cow, randomly dumped some into the pan with the peppers & pancetta... shouted "It's a Spotted Cow Reduction, bitches!" and then quickly Googled to ensure that I could reduce beer and at what temperature to do so (HIGH).
  • Reduced the beer 
  • Toss the scallops in for 3-5 minutes
  • Meanwhile, over yonder, the noodles were cooking away on the next-door burner.  We went with angel hair.  Why?  Because it was there.
  • When all was said and done, we plated it for appearance, including a sprinkle of bread crumbs on the top before serving.  And then I took a picture; because whenever something looks this good, it deserves a damn picture!!

The first sentence = review
"The scallops are AMAZING" says Porch.
"Hmm, I like this," I said.

We're pretty good with words.

What modifications would you/will you make to this recipe (I think we can loosely call it a recipe at this point)?

*** I've never received compensation for writing about stuff, including New Glarus' Spotted Cow, but damn it, I would accept it to write about Spotted Cow.  I mean seriously, have you had this stuff?  What about Fat Squirrel?  Moon Man?  Two Women?  So good, so Wisconsin -- in fact, it's only available in my dear Wisconsin!  Okay, I'm done.  For now.


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