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It's Time to Cook!

I've been shouting "It's time to cook, bitch!" and "It's science, bitch!" all weekend.  We really wanted to get our hands on some Haz-Mat suits so we could get the full effect.  In hindsight, we probably watch too much Breaking Bad for our own good.  We had friends over this weekend and brewed Porch's first batch of beer in his big kid kit.  Sad, sad morning when it accidentally clanked against the bathtub and knocked the bottom right out of the carboy.  Ever watched 5 gallons of delicious-smelling beer literally go down the drain?  We have.  And it broke our hearts.

But.  We understand and appreciate the learning curve with such a hobby and resiliently made our way to Brew & Grow this afternoon so we can try, try, try again.  We'll be brewing a fine Robust Porter this afternoon and will be applying all we've learned to this new batch.

And we sure did buy a plastic carboy this go-round.  Collectively, we're not the most graceful couple so we need something that can put up with our pace and even if we have to replace it, it's worth not buying multiple glass ones that will inevitably bust.



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