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Crushing inspiration: My love-hate relationship with Pinterest

You know what sucks?  Pinterest.  I suspect you already knew that, especially my mommy friends who strive to make everything Pinterest-perfect for their children.  I have a love-hate relationship with Pinterest for a different reason.

It both inspires and crushes me.

Those stupid pins with cute ideas about how to announce a pregnancy?  Blow me.  I LOVE to pin them and start to feel excited about the possibility of someday needing them.  And then moments later, feel totally deflated by them.  I noticed when I first pinned something baby-related, people jumped right in with the, "Is this your way of telling us something?" comments.  I love you all.  And please know that my family and close friends will not be notified via picture or some other crafty method I find on Pinterest.

That's for the social-media and acquaintance world.  Not family.  Do you think anyone wants to find out that they're going to be a grandmother via Facebook?  Spare your mother her feelings and tell her to her face, I feel she deserves this much.  Technology & social media are great and all, but this is a moment my mother (and mother-in-laws and pretty much everyone else in our family now) have been waiting for since the pen hit that marriage license on July 24, 2010.

Gender-reveal parties are the new thing, huh?  I'm still on the fence as to whether I want to know what we're having when that point gets here (see, look at me, all positive and shit!) because it's probably the only aspect of surprise we're going to get in this process of human-creation, other than meeting our tiny human for the first time.  Who knows.  That feels as though it's a lifetime away so I'll cross that bridge when I get there and I suspect that by then, there's going to be a new Pinterest fad that I just can't keep up with...



  1. I have tried to post so many times on your previous blogs and it has NEVER worked. So heres trying again. I am so sorry about the struggle you and Ryan are having trying to start a family. I can tell you whatever you do DO NOT give up hope!! I wasn't supposed to be able to have children because of a developmental issue with my uterus. Well here I am 2 kids in 2 years. My brother and his wife tried for a baby for 3 years and I mean they were doing EVERYTHING possible. Then boom there she was pregnant. Now I have a wonderful niece. You and Ryan are AMAZING people and Im sure there is a wonderful child in your future however it may come about!

    1. It worked! Thanks for your positive thoughts. We're cautiously optimistic at this point in the journey but for once, it feels like we have forward momentum!


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