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58 days until Christmas!

Don't panic.  That's so far.... okay, it's really not.

Kind of crazy, right?  Halloween isn't even here yet and I already have Christmas on the brain.  I always feel like I shortchange Thanksgiving.  Knowing this about myself, we decided to host Thanksgiving at our home this year and we are super excited about it!  My mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and my parents are joining us so we'll have an intimate group size of 6 and lots of yummy food and drink options (I've been pinning away with great ideas -- see them all here & follow me on Pinterest!).  We're busy planning and considering how we'll accommodate the 6 of us for dinner and football -- PACK ATTACK! -- and most importantly, how to prepare this bird.

Initial thoughts were to grill the turkey; have any of you ever done this?  We have a charcoal grill now so I'm not sure how well this would play out, but we're nothing if not adventurous!  And the side dishes, oh the side dishes!  We'll have them all.  And drinks.  Okay, now I'm super excited about Thanksgiving and having family in our home to celebrate our first big holiday; we've never hosted anything other than a weekend get-together.

I'm also one of those people who will likely have 75% of our Christmas shopping done or at least thought out before Thanksgiving gets here.  I started some of our shopping tonight and was SUPER pumped to find I had Discover cash back bonus dollars to use on my Amazon purchases!  Needless to say, we've already purchased several items for "free."  Yes, I know it's not free.  I know it's because I've used my credit card, but damn it, it feels good to get something back for all the shopping we've done!  Including our airline tickets to Toronto (that's another blog post).

Last year, we wrapped all of our presents in brown craft paper with people's pictures on the package rather than name tags.  I loved how homemade they looked and people seemed to enjoy (?) the pictures we chose to include on the gifts.  I'm now considering options for this year's gift wrap.  I have leftover paper from last year.  I also have Pinterest.  So we'll see!  Our first gifts arrive on Wednesday!

I love the holidays in general and am so excited to spend time with our family.  I love all of the little traditions that Porch & I have established together in our relationship and the silly things we continue to add to the list. I'm also super excited for snow.  I need snow.  If we can't get it here in the city, I'm going to have to demand more weekends in the northwoods of Wisconsin this year.

Did I forget to mention?



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