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Toronto (Seriously, how do I become a citizen?)

Listen up everyone, I seriously had to talk myself down this past week.  I almost packed up everything (including Porch) and moved to Toronto.  No joke.  We got back on Monday afternoon and on the train ride to class, I was already looking online for jobs and housing and trying to figure out how to become a resident.  That's how much I loved the experience.  And the people.  Especially the people.

Jellyfish at Ripley's Aquarium, Toronto, ON

Jellyfish at Ripley's Aquarium, Toronto, ON

The Dangerous Lagoon at Ripley's Aquarium, Toronto, ON

Stingray at Ripley's Aquarium, Toronto, ON

A skyline to love (Toronto, ON)
I took all of these photos myself.  I can't thank Porch & my parents enough for the awesome camera they bought me last year for my birthday!  I'm getting such great shots and love it!  Thank you!!

From the moment we landed on Friday, there was just something different about being in Canada.  And it really exceeded the "vacation" vibe.  It was the people.  They were nice!  Being in Chicago has hardened us and I'll be honest, I'm not sure we could hack it as Canadians.  It would take some time to peel back our layers (like an onion) to really trust the politeness.  We walked around much of the city, oohing and ahhing at each thing we saw and didn't see (seriously, we had to seek out the homeless people).

The best part of our trip though was getting to see one of my dear friends, AK get married to a Packers fan.  It was such a beautiful wedding and we were so honoured (did I use the extra 'u' correctly here, AK?)  to be a part of her celebration.  We even met some Chicagoans who live (no joke) just blocks from us and have eerily similar tastes in food and beer.

Maybe it was getting away from work for a few days.
Maybe it was getting to see friends.
Maybe it was the kindness of the Torontonions (is that what they're called?)

Either way, we're eager to visit again.  There's so much we didn't get to see, including Niagara Falls  (Snafu with the rental car place kept that from happening). We're thinking about driving!  It's only 8 hours.  And I have this strong desire to see Niagara Falls again (haven't been there since high school).  Porch has never been.  It would be about 8 hours and we could meet up with AK and her little family!  And we could go back to Toronto!  And continue exploring some of those amazing museums!

I may go research citizens--- hotels now!  Can't wait to get back!



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