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14 weeks

I would not and certainly could not say that I had it "together" before I got pregnant.  I'm working full time and am back in school pursuing my infant toddler credential.  That was enough for me to be a hot mess; dishes were no longer done first thing, laundry piled up, and I was certainly not on top of the houseworky stuff like dusting (hahahaha) or mopping.  So when I got pregnant, things just kinda got... insane.  I couldn't go near the kitchen if there was any kind of disgusting smell as it made me want to jump out of my skin and/or run to the bathroom.  I had zero energy and would come home and nap and then still be ready for bed by 9.  Livin' la vida loca, I tell ya.

So this week (well, the start of it -- it's only Tuesday, much to my dismay) has been kind of amazing.  Last night, I stayed up until almost 11 and while I was tired this morning, it was like a normal person level of tired.  I made it through the entire work day without thinking, "I wonder if I could take a nap on my desk right now."  I may, possibly, be back in the land of the living.  I don't want to get carried away as I'm confident my days of exhaustion are not over (calm down folks, I know shit's about to hit the fan in the third and fourth trimester*).

* If you're not familiar with the 4th trimester, it's the concept that human infants are born at 9 months not because they're developmentally ready, but simply because their brains have grown to large for a mother to feasibly deliver the baby.  For the first 3 months of their life "outside of the womb," infants are truly helpless and are very much still developing.  Trust me, I'm practically an Infant Toddler Specialist.  (Beware, when that day comes, I'm proclaiming myself an expert on child development in the early years).  This is much like my desire to pursue a PhD or EdD so I can require Porch to call me Dr. Porch.  Mwahahahaha.  Diabolical.  

Anyway, here's our 14 week update.  Time flies, kinda.  14 weeks seems like so long considering we knew at 4 weeks but compared to the 40...... it's nothin'.  But once this winter yuck goes away, GAME ON!

14 Weeks:  I'm human again!
How far along? 14 weeks
Total weight gain: I'm up!  I'm at 3.5 pounds (which I've been assured by an app (ha) is normal)
Maternity clothes? My mom is a forward-thinker and sent me a care package with some cute tops that aren't maternity but they're more flowly and loose-fitting.  I am also set to live the rest of my life in pregnancy leggings.  I'll be heading to Target next pay period to go ahead and just buy their entire stock.  LOVE!
Stretch marks?  None 
Sleep:  Sleeping better now, usually only up once or twice a night to pee.  I even had a night this past week where I slept straight through the night!  Huzzah!  Though I kind of enjoy "getting" to go back to bed for a while.
Best moment this week: A parent at school telling me that I'm showing; I'm not confident that it's all baby, but if ya'll wanna fuss over my chubbiness, rock on.  I also enjoyed the realization that snow boots will be put away before I get super big (THANK GOD).  It's hard work lacing those puppies up!
Miss anything?  I miss enjoying the smell of beer;  Porch has a few dark, seasonal beers that I would normally be stealing from his stash, but the smell of the beer makes me want to gag.
Food cravings: This is a good one folks... last night, we had a 30 minute conversation about Macho Nachos that I used to love at UW-Platteville back in undergrad.  Fellow alumni, I beg you to confirm that they were amaze-balls and that I am not romanticizing them.  I'm also all about fresh fruit right now.  I'm so glad to be moving away from only wanting comfort food.
Anything making you queasy or sick? See above regarding the smell of beer.  Also, the smell of some meats.  And eggs this weekend didn't go over well, I grossed myself out.
Gender: Too soon to tell, not sure when we'll find out!
Labor signs: Hahaha, so n/a
Symptoms: constantly peeing, occasional nausea... this growing belly (which I try to say is just tacos)
Belly button in or out?  In (and the idea of it popping scares the shit out of me -- I also fear my scar will burst open and my guts will fall out... rational, I know)
Wedding rings on or off: On.  And loose.
Happy or moody most of the time: I feel human again!  It's an amazing feeling!  I try to capitalize on this feeling as much as I can because I know that for every energized day, there's a couch potato day somewhere close behind :) 
Looking forward to: Porch and I are going on our Valentine's Day date on Friday night and I'm pumped to kind of put myself together like a grownup and go out!  And I'm very much looking forward to our ultrasound on February 28th!  It seems like forever compared to all the appointments we had with Dr. TK!  I'm also PSYCHED to feel the baby move; that will be the most reassuring moment of the entire pregnancy.  :)  I hope that moment comes soon, I'm not used to having so much time between doctor visits.  Porch is also looking forward to being able to feel Nugget move around in there, though he'll likely have to wait a bit longer.
Baby is the size of:  nectarine

Yeah, I guess I'm starting to show... 


  1. I too, loved macho nachos. I'd make them put the toppings in one bowl and the chips in another so I could stir it all up into a dip...mmmmm. Glad everything's going smoothly!


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