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18 weeks

How far along? 18 weeks
Total weight gain: I'm up!  Gained a bit more this week; must be right on track as Dr G hasn't yelled at me or anything... yet.
Maternity clothes?   Maternity leggings are still what I like to call "the shit."  I'm still able to wear my regular jeans and dress pants, either with a hair tie or with a belly band :)
Stretch marks?  None but sweet baby JESUS does my skin itch.  ALL OF THE TIME.
Sleep:  Improving & a few nights a week, I even sleep through the night!!
Best moment this week: Nursery furniture came this weekend! It's so exciting to see the room set up for baby.
Miss anything?  Not really... still miss sushi though.
Food cravings: Baby Porch & I are not likely to turn down French fries though I'm beginning to think it's the ketchup we're in love with...
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing really.  I'm afraid to say more without having wood to knock on.  I still have random bouts of morning sickness -- this Monday I got my ass kicked just as I was heading out the door to work.
Gender: :) 
Labor signs: Hahaha, so n/a
Symptoms: The bump is growing!  
Belly button in or out?  In (and the idea of it popping scares the shit out of me -- I also fear my scar will burst open and my guts will fall out... rational, I know)
Wedding rings on or off: On.  And loose.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy.  Excited but overwhelmed to think that we're already nearing the halfway mark.
Looking forward to: Warm weather & sunshine -- this snow needs to end.
Baby is the size of:  bell pepper 

We're pretty certain about this -- we'll get confirmation at our
3/24 20 week ultrasound appointment, but Dr. G said GIRL at our 16 week ultrasound :)


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