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39 weeks...

Ugh.  Here I am, still pregnant, still working... I really thought this gig would be up by now.  I'm so thankful though that my body has made it this far and that Baby Porch has had the opportunity to grow safely in my body.  I remember how excited I was to make it to 24 weeks (viability, baby!) and that seems like it was so long ago.  Now I'm actively encouraging her to make her way out of there, even though I know it's going to hurt like hell.

Which is another thing.  Every ache and pain, I begin to wonder, "Is this it?  Let's go!" and then nothing.  I'm  a little anxious about labor & delivery and what to expect, but I also trust that my body will do what it's meant to or that Dr. G will help us along as needed.  We're 7 days from her due date and I'm not too sure when we'll get to meet her... maybe we should start a pool!

How far along? 39 weeks

Progress:  None.  Well, cervix is closed. She's dropped a little more.  Dr. G says we won't go past 41 weeks, which doesn't surprise me and while I know it's what's best for her, it's beginning to not be what's best for me.

Total weight gain:  I've gained 23 pounds total.

Maternity clothes?  We do laundry pretty frequently around here as my choices are pretty slim.  I refuse to buy any additional maternity clothes though (not even to replace the shirt I bleached at work last week) because we're (hopefully) so close to the end.

Stretch marks?  It's true. I found a stretch mark on my side.  Turns out,  my body has officially reached its capacity.

Sleep: Sleep... I'm up about 4-5 times a night to use the restroom and it's now officially painful to get out of bed.  My back is...... not enjoying the stress of carrying Baby Porch.

Best moment this week:  I was showered twice in one week by coworkers and my staff.  It was so sweet to feel the love!

Miss anything?  I don't miss much.  I miss sleeping on my belly.

Food cravings:  Still nothing wild & crazy. Just a sweet tooth.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Being hot makes me super nauseous.

Gender: Baby Girl :)

Labor signs: Not yet... the Braxton Hicks contractions are still around, lower back pain all day every day, pressure in my pelvic area (and yet no progress).

Symptoms: The bump, ninja kicks to the ribs,  back pain, reflux for days (am taking Zantac now which has changed. my. life), lots of discomfort in the pelvic bone area, the waddle... oh the waddle.

Belly button in or out? I have determined that technically, it's an outie, but because of the abdominal surgery I had and the way they stitched me up, it's physically impossible for it to actually pop out.  It's weird.

Wedding rings on or off: On and being loose. 

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy, and totally counting the days! I find myself letting go of more and more at work as I realize I may not be there for some of the stuff that's coming up. Also learning to let Porch help me with more as I get more and more uncomfortable and unable to do normal day-to-day stuff.  Moody when I get completely uncomfortable.

Looking forward to:  Another weekend at home... just waiting... actually, I think I'm looking forward to the time when I can stop going to the office.  The act of walking to my car, pouring myself into the car, sitting in the car on the way to work, and being in my office all day physically hurt and I'm trying to tough it out just a few more days so I don't waste my time off sitting around without a baby to love up on, but I also cannot imagine going to 41 weeks.  Also looking forward to my intern helping out and taking over some of my projects while I'm out!  I'm so excited to watch her grow!

Baby is the size of: a mini watermelon (really effin' funny)


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