Porch returns to work on Friday... I'm now accepting bets as to when, on Friday, I lose my mind. I'm guessing there will be a point at which I strap Baby Porch into the Baby Bjorn and high tail it over to Starbucks (and I'm guessing it will be before noon).
Until then, Porch and I are tag-teaming this adventure and we rock as a team. We've been binge watching House of Cards on Netflix together. The only tears I've had so far were (1) when the Dr. called and ordered us to the ER at Children's immediately and (2) when Baby Porch refused to nurse and I had to let Porch give her a bottle. And I guess the moment I saw those chubby cheeks and realized she was ours! Not too shabby for a chick with raging hormones!
Maybe you've heard this song, You're Gonna Miss This, by Trace Adkins. It's kind of become my theme song as I spend late nights and early mornings with Baby Porch rocking and nursing... I know there will be a day when these moments are gone and she's big. Even now, I look at her and see her changing & it makes me miss those chubby chubby cheeks that greeted me in the delivery room. The days pass slowly, but the years will fly by. I'm trying to savor all of these little moments.

So -- go ahead and leave your guess of when my imminent breakdown begins! ;)
Until then, Porch and I are tag-teaming this adventure and we rock as a team. We've been binge watching House of Cards on Netflix together. The only tears I've had so far were (1) when the Dr. called and ordered us to the ER at Children's immediately and (2) when Baby Porch refused to nurse and I had to let Porch give her a bottle. And I guess the moment I saw those chubby cheeks and realized she was ours! Not too shabby for a chick with raging hormones!
Maybe you've heard this song, You're Gonna Miss This, by Trace Adkins. It's kind of become my theme song as I spend late nights and early mornings with Baby Porch rocking and nursing... I know there will be a day when these moments are gone and she's big. Even now, I look at her and see her changing & it makes me miss those chubby chubby cheeks that greeted me in the delivery room. The days pass slowly, but the years will fly by. I'm trying to savor all of these little moments.
So -- go ahead and leave your guess of when my imminent breakdown begins! ;)
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