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Charlotte {2 months}

|| Charlotte likes ||
... cuddling on Momma or Daddy's chests... the Baby Bjorn... cluster feeding (girl's got to grow!)
... sharing good morning smiles & chatter with momma & daddy when we get her out of her crib
... a good, snug swaddle (best sleep ever)

|| Charlotte dislikes ||*We're pretty aware of Charlotte's dislikes -- she's pretty vocal about it.... being burped mid-way through her bottle

... being in the backseat of Momma's car by herself
... hunger (of any kind, picture a Snickers commercial -- girlfriend gets HANGRY)

... afternoon naps
... tummy time (great for getting out gas bubbles)
... facial expressions (love seeing her personality emerging)
... her hair is changing colors ever so slightly and I can't wait to see what she ends up with!

|| Things Charlotte is undecided about at this point ||
... bath time
... the car seat -- hates getting into it, but enjoys the car/stroller ride
... the K'Tan wrap 

|| Special things we love about Charlotte right now ||
... her giggle/babble 
... those darn cheeks (I could eat her)
... her farts (sometimes sharts)

|| Milestones ||
...  social smile has emerged

... does not roll over (that one time was apparently a fluke)
... still has a strong startle reflex

|| Nicknames ||
... Cheekers
... Nugget
... Charlie Girl
... Itty Bitty
... Mamacita
... Peanut Pie
... Sweet Cheeks

|| Dear Charlotte ||
I cannot believe it's been 2 months since I first held you!  You have been such a busy-body lately!  You've started in your classroom at school and do very well.  You hate the drive to school but I wonder if you're just lonely back there in the back seat.  You do a great job taking the bottle at school (though we've been practicing that since you were in the NICU).  You're happiest on my chest, especially when you're eating.  You slept through the night last night for the first time (10:00-4:45) and I was so surprised!  You had been having a rough afternoon of cat naps interrupted by gas so I didn't have the highest of hopes for the evening.  We have your 2 month check up at the pediatrician's office in a few weeks & I am so excited to hear about your growth.  I'm not as excited about your first round of shots, though it has to be better than watching them do the blood draw at the first pediatrician's office or spending 2 days in the NICU not able to hold you.  I'll take the entire afternoon just to snuggle you because chances are good, you'll be a crabby little mess.  
You have seen SO much of your Nana Julie & Grandpa Steve!  They love to come spend the weekend loving up on you & snuggling you.  In your first 8 weeks, you have already spent 4 of those weekends in Wisconsin!  I like to tell myself that you're 1/2 Wisconsinite already!  :)

I am such a lucky momma to have such a sweet little chunker to cuddle & call my own.  I love you, Cheekers!

It's getting easier to "catch" this baby smiling!
It used to be like catching a unicorn.
It's pretty damn exciting to be 2 months old!!

You're such a happy baby!  We cannot get enough of your giggle!


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