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Charlotte {4 months}

I always knew that time would fly once a baby joined us, I've heard people say for years that they blinked and their babies were grown.... those first weeks of zero sleep and trying to figure out what made our little one happy were exhausting and felt like slow motion while all the while flying by!  Suddenly we were celebrating 1 month, 2 months... and here we are today.  4 months.  This kid has changed my life in so many ways, all of them positive.

The stats...
16 pounds, 25.5 inches of cheeks and giggles are all ours!

Charlotte loves...
- the moving butterflies on her play mat
- this Taggie blanket I accidentally ordered for her on Amazon during a late night pumping session
- bath time
- her Packer lovey from inspired3crochet on Etsy
- Mortimer the Moose (one does not simply leave home without it)
- Daddy Blast Off (Porch thrusting her into the air above his head)
- story time (currently loving Boss Baby and Little Blue Truck)

Charlotte does not love...
- daytime naps at home
- being alone in the carseat (though Mortimer has changed our lives on this front)

Our fashionista is wearing...
- 6 month outfits are quickly losing their ground, especially sleepers with footies (which are my favorite)
- Socks that look like they'd be way too big (0-6 month from Old Navy work well)
- Size THREE diapers (and they don't even look that big anymore; I found a newborn sized diaper the other day and wanted to bawl my eyes out it was so cute and so tiny.)  ((not pregnant))

The past month...
- Charlotte has been perfecting her roll from back to belly, though she hasn't yet figured out rolling from her belly to her back so this is an interesting sequence of development that has my child development self thinking... huh.
- Charlotte talks and giggles a LOT, especially during her midnight diaper change.
- All things must enter Charlotte's mouth -- especially that hand that I'm trying to put through the sleeve of her onesie, not because she wanted it, but because I put it near her mouth to get it in the sleeve and she saw it.  It's hers now.  This rule applies to all things.
- We think Charlie might be teething (surprise diaper rash arrived late last week and see above).
- Charlotte said "Check ya later" to her teachers at school because she starts at her new school on 12/15.  I suspect this was harder on mom than on Charlotte, but those teachers had been with her since she was 6 weeks.  It's kind of a big deal to say goodbye to people who have become family.

Coming up...
- We are moving into our new house (yeah, we just went ahead and changed everything all at once)
- Charlotte starts a new school on 12/15 (she's going to work with mommy at her new school)
- Charlotte's 4 month appointment (complete with shots) is 12/20 at Nana's office!!!!  We're so excited to be close to family -- close enough that Charlie can go to the pediatrician that my mom works with!
- CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Although we won't be in our new home by Christmas and will be celebrating Charlie's first Christmas while living with my parents, we will be making the most of it and enjoying our time with Grandpa & Nana!  :)


Did you want to see her 4 month pictures?  Thought so ;)

Cannot get enough of these cheeks!!  Her smile is contagious.

She was mid-conversation with her giraffe at this point
Nana made Charlie some leg warmers but (surprisingly) her legs aren't chubby enough yet to hold them up!
Thanks for stopping by!!!

Momma Porch


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