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Charlotte {7 months}

I say this every month and I mean it every month:  I don't know where the past month has gone.  I don't understand how time passes so quickly and in the blink of an eye, I am rocking a nearly-mobile chunk in the glider and gone are the days of rocking a (relatively speaking) itty bitty.  Every day, Charlotte's personality emerges just a little more and we learn who we're workin' with and I am so incredibly thankful for the baby we know and love.  The other night, I was rocking Charlie and looking down at her, sleep-drunkenly thinking about the logistics of how we came to meet this sweet girl.  Of course we had wished for a baby 4 years before we met her, but if that had happened, we wouldn't have had Charlotte.  Because when you think about it, right down to a cellular level, it physically would not have been Charlotte.  It wouldn't have been the exact combination of egg & sperm that brought these cheeks into the world.  Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers.  This is the peanut we were meant to hold and squeeze.  And without further ado, here's her 7 month update...

Charlotte weighed in yesterday at 19 pounds, 4 ounces.  (86%ile)
She measured at 28.25 inches (97%ile) and has a head circumference of 45cm (95%ile, yes, her brains are huge).

-The jumper from Grandma & Grandpa K has become a favorite place for her; she has really figured out how to bounce and goes nuts.  Like crazy over-caffeinated lady nuts.  I love it.  I often refer to the jumper as her office because the moment I put her in there, she's busy with the many tasks offered.
-Catching a nap on the couch with Dad.  This only works for Dad apparently; when I try to do this, she demands Mama snuggles (which leads to nursing).
-Applause.  Yep, if you clap once or twice, she lights up.  Calm down, Little Monster.  ;)
-Feeding herself.  We load the spoon with the goodness that is pureed baby food and she *usually* navigates the spoon to her mouth.  Occasionally, I find hidden food under her neck fold and it makes me giggle.
-Bath time. Especially when it includes being able to eat the cup, shampoo, and body wash.
-Peek-A-Boo.  She giggles whenever I play this with her.
-Reading.  And eating books.
-Sitting by herself.  We have the occasional mishap when she falls over or forward, but for the most part, she  is good about sitting.
-Facing outward in the Baby Bjorn.  Homegirl went to Baconfest this year and LOVED the people watching.  She also made it through the Milwaukee Public Museum in the Baby Bjorn.

-Nose Frieda.  She sees that thing coming from a mile away and will turn her head in a split second.

Things to look forward to...
-Babyproofing the house because well, it's coming, whether I'm ready to admit it or not.
-Eating more foods
-Teeth!  There are still no teeth to speak of but I know the day will come when I go to get her out of her crib and she's got a new tooth to show off.
-Lowering the crib.  Yep.  She's got the notion that she should pull up on stuff and Porch said he watched her start to pull up on the mirror in her nursery this morning so the day is coming when that crib goes down!  Waaaaaa, she's too young!  Stay little!

This month has been one of independence. Charlotte loves to sit up, stand up, and feed herself.  Her pictures are getting harder to take!  This month's theme could have been, "I'm outta here" because the moment I set her down, she's on the move.  Won't be long before she's legitimately on the move and leaving me behind.

This has been great, but I am OUTTA here!

Mama Porch


  1. Oh my goodness! She is ADORABLE! I can't believe how quickly our girls are growing up!


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