One of Charlotte's favorite places is on the couch, looking outside at the cars & people going by.... she is such an observant little bug & I love it! She doesn't miss a thing. I'm so happy she has something to watch here & I don't feel a need to keep her away from windows like I did in Uptown. It's a whole new world here in Wisconsin! So much to discover this spring...... just have to get the snow to stop falling! :)
Hi, it's me - I know it's been a while, but I've been deep inside that bubble I mentioned when everything first happened in November 2020 and I am starting to emerge having done some serious healing and navigating within the trauma of being a suicide survivor and a sole parent. This has nothing to do with that though. I'm dumping this thought here because I need it documented: You know how the conservative crowd tends to use "Well I don't have any children, why should I help pay for the schools?" and "People are just too lazy to work, I don't know why we need social services to help people pay for their child care and food?" I'm noticing those are the same voices I hear in restaurants complaining that there are no servers. No bartenders. No one available to change their oil or to do other trade work. And no one to watch their children. The CEO of the company I work for posted a big response about how child care is the gatekeeper to folks...
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