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Charlotte {O N E}


Being a one-year old looks a lot like you walking from one room to the next, shouting at us, waving to puppies, and giggling at your toys.

You are still nursing a few times a day but have the rest of your milk in a sippy cup or bottle and water from your sippy cup.  You tend to have about 12 oz while you're at school and then nurse a time or three at home.  You're growing perfectly though, so I have no concerns about your intake.  You enjoy food.  It's mostly a sensory experience but some of it occasionally makes it into your mouth.  You enjoy ham, chicken, cheese, and scrambled eggs.  Fruits: strawberry is still your favorite, but you like banana-flavored puffs and cookies  Vegetables: we tend to sneak veggies to you via veggie burger or pouches with the veggies mixed in.  You eat around the veggies, you sneaky girl!  I keep offering the veggies and maybe someday you'll be more into the idea.   Hey, you licked a brussel sprout yesterday and that took guts.

If you're not sick or teething (which, let's face it, won't be over for a long, long time), you sleep decently and we expect to see you at least once after you've gone down.  Sometimes you can self-soothe, but sometimes you need Daddy to give you the pacifier (I think you can't see/feel it sometimes).  On a normal night, you eat dinner, take a bath, go for a walk to look for puppies in the neighborhood, snuggled with Mama, and then go to sleep.  You're usually in bed by 8:30-9 and will sleep until around 4 or later.  Sometimes, you need to come into Mama and Daddy's bed to snuggle and get more sleep.  Sometimes (oddly, usually on Saturdays) you decide to be awake and ready at 6:30.

You love, love, love to play with your toys.  Right now, you're really into carrying around that giant playball that Nana bought you.  It's pretty much the same size as you and quite frankly, it's hilarious to watch you pick it up, take several steps, and then either bounce it to us or fall and catch yourself on the ball.

At your one-year visit, you came in at 22 lb 14 oz (87th percentile), 31 inches tall (96th percentile), and had a head circumference of 18.5 inches (93rd percentile).  Essentially, you have the body of a 16 month old.  And the attitude of a 3-year-old.

Although you hate taking a shower, and despise sitting still for a bath, I think I have found a way to capture your attention long enough to get the job done.  I let you help me run the water in the tub and use the opportunity to wash your hair and get you cleaned up the best I can; anything that needs to be done after the tub is filled requires ninja-like skills and the patience of a saint.

My hope for you is that you will continue to explore the world around you with that same sense of wonder and joy.  Your smile lights up the room in a way that brings light to my heart.  Always remember that you are everything to your Daddy and I and we love you more than anything... you are perfect just the way you are!


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