I have staff meetings with my center staff every 2nd Saturday of the month. This is something that I am not crazy about, but I respect that the time is protected and it's a habit; the system predates me. As much as I hate setting my alarm on the weekend -- for the same wakeup time as a weekday, I will concede that I had such a sense of accomplishment yesterday. I was up and out by 8am so I could stop and pick up some brunch treats for the team. Our meeting wrapped up a little early so I spent some time getting work done (everyone knows it's easier to be productive when you're in an empty building). I even organized my homework for the week; why I thought going back to school "for fun" with a toddler was a good choice, I will never fully know. When I got home, the weather was just way too beautiful. The sun was calling my name and we packed up the stroller & went for a walk. We walked to Toys 'R' Us and found a Halloween costume for Charlotte ...
A study in parenting, marriage, and life.