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[Pumpkin Patch]

The day started kind of gloomy & overcast and Charlotte was not feeling the nap situation at home so we ended up having her take her nap in the car on the way to the pumpkin patch.  Not ideal, but better than nothing.  I was nervous because as we pulled out of the driveway, the rain started.  Luckily, it was only cold & windy on the farm, no rain.  The sun even made a brief appearance at the end of our visit.  It was a great day & I am so glad we met up with my parents!  This was a new location for us, but I could absolutely see us returning in the coming years.  It's an awesome place for kids!

Sorry not sorry for the amount of pictures; I took 117 pictures and have not posted NEARLY that many here, so really, you're welcome is more appropriate than an apology ;)  I feel like I waited my whole life to have a tiny human at the pumpkin patch (she was too tiny last fall to get anything out of it and we were Chicagoans at that point so a pumpkin patch was really more like a gathering of pumpkins in the grocery store parking lot).  There are so many little things that make me so very happy as we do them as a family of three.  Wait'l Christmas!

Charlotte is all about trains lately; her school is by the tracks and she gets to hear/see the train all day.

I'm not sure whom was more into whom in this scenario!

In the teepee w/ Grandpa & Mama

Her big thing right now is holding people's hands while she walks; she doesn't need us, she wants us.
And I love that.

Getting ready to go down the slide!

It went so fast!  I was surprised!

Time for snacks

2015 Group Shot

Such a happy girl; she was up on the trailer, surrounded by pumpkins

This one is just right :)

After the pumpkin patch, we went to my parents to visit and have dinner.  We left around 7:30 as Charlotte really hadn't taken an afternoon nap & we..... don't need an angry toddler.  She crashed in the car before we even left town & slept the entire hour car ride.  We got the bedtime diaper on & I snuggled that baby to sleep.  I'm hopeful for a good night of sleep, she hasn't slept through the night in at least a month.  *Fingers crossed*

Happy Fall, Ya'll.  We are making great progress on our bucket list for fall & I am getting SUPER excited for some of the remaining activities!

So far, we've been to the pumpkin patch & made our pumpkin bread... 

Enjoy the weekend, friends.  This weather has been perfect for my fall favorites & I'm trying to savor it as winter will be here in no time!  :)

Mama Porch


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