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I have staff meetings with my center staff every 2nd Saturday of the month.  This is something that I am not crazy about, but I respect that the time is protected and it's a habit; the system predates me.  As much as I hate setting my alarm on the weekend -- for the same wakeup time as a weekday, I will concede that I had such a sense of accomplishment yesterday.

I was up and out by 8am so I could stop and pick up some brunch treats for the team.  Our meeting wrapped up a little early so I spent some time getting work done (everyone knows it's easier to be productive when you're in an empty building).  I even organized my homework for the week; why I thought going back to school "for fun" with a toddler was a good choice, I will never fully know.

When I got home, the weather was just way too beautiful.  The sun was calling my name and we packed up the stroller & went for a walk.  We walked to Toys 'R' Us and found a Halloween costume for Charlotte before we walked further to Halloween Express; the selection was good but the prices were steep and really, Charlotte would look great in any ol' thang.  We decided to walk to Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch and enjoyed Charlotte's eager cheering for the Badgers.  She has mastered the "TOUCHDOWN" arm pose and cheer.  It's adorable.

We got home and played in the backyard before coming inside for a family nap.  I needed it.  She needed it.  Apparently Porch needed it.  So we napped.  It was glorious.

I just felt like I had a whole weekend of fun all wrapped up into one day and today is like a bonus.  I like that feeling very much!

We're watching the Packers and hoping for the win today.  When Charlotte wakes up from her nap, we plan to head to the zoo (with Starbucks) so I can cross that off the bucket list for this fall.  If we can't get there today, we still have time.  The weather is gorgeous and the sun is again calling me to play outside.

Hope your weekend has been productive and that you did something fall-ish to celebrate the gorgeous weather!

Mama Porch


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