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Charlotte Esther: 18 months

All at once, it would seem we no longer have a baby... at times, I feel even toddlerhood is fleeting.  Nothing is sacred.  Once this peanut strings together a few words, I think we can all agree that once she starts talking, she's not likely to stop.  She is fiercely independent and it's one of the things I admire the most about her.  She is strong-willed and determined.  I love to watch her problem solve.

As of her 18 month well visit on the 10th, Charlotte is 34.5" tall (off the charts), 26 pounds & 12 oz (91%ile), and had a head circumference of 19.29" (98%ile).  Essentially, my child is the size of an average-sized 2.5 year old.  Seems about right, I've recently been blown away by her ability to reach everything on the counters.

Depends on the day!  Every now and then, we get a rare full night of sleep but for the most part, she's still up once or twice a night.

Anyone who claims toddlers need to be forward-facing because they're
too long and it looks so uncomfortable has obviously never paid much time
to the way kids contort their bodies for sleeping.  Woof.

We tend to serve Charlotte whatever we're eating.  I've noticed some of her favorites are shrimp, mango, blueberries, eggs, and cheese.  However, she'll try anything.  I love this about her.  It makes feeding her a breeze.

Charlotte loves...
... MIMI!  BOW! I hear these two words non-stop (they haunt me in my sleep) as Charlotte is a big, big fan of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and bows.  Anything with a bow (including other children) is greeted as "MIMI!"  It's adorable.  And annoying.  All at once.
... bath time
... reading
... painting
... babies
... Nana!  Papa!  Much like Mimi and Bow go together, Nana and Papa are pretty much a package deal in Charlotte's eyes ;)
... peek-a-boo

All things Minnie
Charlotte very strongly dislikes...
... being redirected
... super strong amoxicillin (we had a super ear infection a few months ago and had to wrestle with her to get the medicine into her squirmy body).

Up next...
... her new big girl potty chair arrived today and she was quick to take interest.  I'm not sure she gets what it's for as she continues to try to drag it all over the house and take it apart, but we'll get there.  I'm all about potty training with the lead of the child.

I cannot get over the fact that in 6 months, I will have a 2-year-old.  We will be celebrating two full years together.  How does that happen?!  I am so thankful to have this experience and love spending so much time with her.  It's like an extended maternity leave and I am loving every minute! Seriously, this kid is so chill.  She always has been.  I'm a lucky Mama Bear!

one year ago, this sweet pea was my valentine.
can't wait to celebrate another with her & those cheeks!!!

Mama Porch


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