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We are not morning people.

Charlotte isn't a morning person either.  She doesn't quite have my love for sleep (there's still time), but she is certain that 5:30am is for the birds.

Today was our first opening shift, a shift we rotate to every other day.  It was hard on me:  I hit snooze 3 times and then sprang out of bed thinking it was like 7am and I was going to be fired.  It was 5:11.  I had myself together and the car running (it's still pretty cold here at night, which I consider 5:30am to be) by 5:30am so I ran inside, put socks on Charlotte and swooped her up in a blanket and out the door we went.  She either slept or stared sleepily out the window the entire 15 minute drive (this is where I'm actually kind of missing the 30 minute drive as it made for great cat nap material).  I rolled through the Starbucks drive-through (thank you, Starbucks) and was in the parking lot of the center by 5:50am.  Not too bad, right?!  I took Charlie inside as she was now awake and talking to me.

I changed her diaper and got her dressed for the day before giving her a little something to snack on as breakfast isn't until 8:30.  She is entirely too perceptive and was not a fan of me trying to drop her off to a new teacher (remember, yesterday she arrived at 9:30 and went right to her own classroom).  Oh THE INHUMANITY!  I listened to my baby cry for quite some time before they transitioned to their own classroom.  It never ceases to amaze me how that cry still sounds like her newborn cry sometimes and it takes everything I have not to cry myself.

Her daily report says she took a morning nap (not a surprise, she does not have the endurance to be up from 5:45-12 quite yet) and and a short afternoon nap for a grand total of like 90 minutes for the day.  I picked her up at 3:00 and she was SO DAMN EXCITED that she started to cry.  I reassured her that it really was time to go home & that she didn't have to say goodbye again today (yesterday I ran into her a few times).

We ran to Aldi for some quick items like milk & pizza and then went home and I expected a nap.  Something.  Anything.  PLEASE!  Charlotte slept like shit last night and as a result, so did I.  I looked at my Fitbit today and realized I got about 4 hours of sleep.  Nothing makes an impression quite like an exhausted new manager.  :/  She seriously stayed awake for the entire afternoon.  We went on a walk, played outside, had dinner, and she took a bath.  She went down without a fight at 7:00.  I love her, but I sincerely hope that's the last time I see her until morning.  I am exhausted.

Ay.  The faces this girl makes..... we're in trouble.

Absolutely not tired, Mama.
Not me.

Ahhhhh, but those faces.
She kept looking back at me, arguing her point that she should be released from the stroller and allowed to walk the 3 blocks home.  Having learned from previous instances, I denied her request.  Repeatedly.  

Had to get some outside time in... it's been raining here all day.

My training is going well.  Being in the for-profit world isn't as scary as I thought -- yet.  I have to appreciate that there is a 3 inch binder spelling out some of the things that were never really communicated to me in previous positions.  I got to spend time in the infant classroom today and get my baby fix.  It made my ovaries hurt, guys.  I also got to spend time in the PreK classroom with the older kids.  It was an awesome opportunity to reflect on how far I've come as an early childhood professional and how I want to support my staff when I get to my own center.  I'm trying to take it all in stride.  It's overwhelming to think about all at once.

I miss being able to do laundry when I want.  I miss watching everything on the DVR while I cleaned.  I really miss being able to take a cat nap while Charlotte napped because she slept like shit the night before.  But I also missed being in a center, taking care of other people's children.  I missed working with teachers and supporting them.  So I'm excited.  I'm eager to find my balance between sitting on the couch eating Bon Bons and working 200 hours a week.  I think this was the right 'next step' for us and I really feel like I was called to do this job.  Did I ever tell you that I didn't apply for this job?  That the agency contacted me and was curious about my interest in the job?  That's huge for me.  I've always hoped for an opportunity that would find me.  I'm on an adventure.

And all ya'll get to follow along!  You're the best!


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